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(Peter POV)

"Come on Taehyung, please? For your uncle's sake?"

I beg while down on one knee but Tae shakes his head and holds a small stuffed fox tight to his body. I give up to let go of his small hands and he's quick to run away so he can go back to silently playing with his younger cousins. Sitting down on the edge of the sandbox as my twins Ellucillana and Peter James test a new droid they created. I stand up and dust myself off before returning to the back porch where my husband Joseph was setting out the plates for dinner. I sit down on the steps and sigh.

 "Any luck?" he asks as he sits down next to me on the steps of our back porch. 

"No, of course not," I mutter and rub my temples. 

"Can you blame him? He went through a traumatic experience sweetheart. I think he just needs some time," Joseph tries to reassure me as he gently rubs my left shoulder. I stressfully bury my head in my hands, not knowing what to do.

"But he hasn't said a single word in two months, Joseph," I remind him and he gives me a tight side hug to try to comfort me.

"We're doing our best Peter. He has a good home, goes to school and dance every day, and is surrounded by his cousins who are age if he really wanted to socialize. We are doing all we can but we can't just force him to talk," Peter tries to explain to me even though I'm the doctor in the family. I always felt like he understood and explained things better than me anyway. 

"I just feel like I'm failing Pierce if he's not perfectly healthy you know," I admit and now it was Joseph's turn to sigh into the gentle island breeze which ruffles his light blonde hair.

"I think he would understand considering Tae's silence is his doing not ours," He reminds me, trying to lessen the guilt but the weight was still there.

The weight would stay there until my other half opened his eyes again.

"I know, I know," I groan into my hands before warming up to him.

"How have you been handling all this? I know it must be hard having to take care of all five kids every day," I ask but his gentle smile says otherwise.

"Oh, the children are fine. They're all well behaved for the most part but I'm thankful we decided to stop at three instead of four." He giggles and I kiss the top of his head.

"But it's you I'm worried about. You've spent all your time at the hospital these past two months. You know I'm used to it, but you need to make sure you're getting enough rest and nutrition okay? A tired, hungry, and grumpy doctor Grayson is not a good doctor," He reminds me and I playfully rolled my eyes. 

My Joseph has always been more concerned about everyone except himself,

"I'll try to be home more now that Mika's become a full-time caregiver. He's been a great help and has taken some of the stress off my shoulders," I compliment him and Joseph curls up on my lap.

"Mika's always been such a sweetheart. I feel so bad for him, he must feel so guilty," Joseph yawns and I brush my fingers through his silky blonde curls.

"We all feel a little guilty now and then," 

Dear Taehyung, (MxM)Where stories live. Discover now