Whiteclaw (21 days after)

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Sorry for the wait guys! Had some trouble in school for tests and stuff, but nothing serious. I also struggled to find a good picture for this part. If its there. If not, i'll fix it :D 

When I mean the Countdown Clock is going to affect everyone, its literally going to affect everyone! In this part, Whiteclaw will strangely become the next victim of the witch-like creation!

I sat silently when he finished his story, completely emotionless and utterly silent while lying upon a rock of sorrow and growing anger. Drexel closed his eyes, letting another tear flow freely, sniffed, then wiped it off.

"Yeah.....so.....that's about it," He shuddered, looking around to find comfort, "That's what I was hiding." He fell silent, swallowing again, then broke down silently, struggling to wipe away the floods of tears from his eyes. His eye scales themselves were wetter than being drenched in the rain, and his tail was evermore quieter than the dead atmosphere on Earth. I looked down at the ground, still speechless and gone, but inside, the emotions were stirring themselves around in my stomach, twisting and churning at some points, enough to make my face change. And overtime, it grew harder and harder, turning my eyes red and burning the saltiest tears from the back of my mind. My chest stung as if someone struck it, and I gaped my jaw a bit, shaking my head to disregard whatever I heard. Anger bubbled in my soul more so than my sorrow and grievings, and my eyes narrowed themselves, yet I held in my constant growl for now. Eventually, the anger rose up to my throat, resolving in a my own voice speaking out towards the Utahraptor.

"You lied to me..." I whispered, gripping my claw tightly as the emotions attacked me externally. Drexel looked up from the ground and stared at me questionable.


"You lied," I repeated harsher, "You lied to me." I paused for a second, swallowing in the sorrow to speak again with saliva gurgling in my throat, "You didn't kill my parents in fear,.......you killed them in anger."

"Whiteclaw..." Drexel stood up, "Please....just understand-"

"WHAT?" I slammed my fist into the earth before standing up, "What should I possibly understand Drexel?! That you were sorry? Sorry for murdering my parents in cold-blood? That you didn't mean to..." I trailed off trembling with my claws.

They're dead.

He killed them.

They're dead.


"Don't you freaking Whiteclaw me!" I interrupted and hissed with tears spilling down my face, shuddering hard, "You murdered them! You murdered them both!"

"They killed my mother!" Drexel snapped as I spun around, "What was I supposed to do, let them dance on her grave like those Beelzebufos?!" He cursed silently, then turned to me, "Don't you even care about what they did to me?"

"They were defending themselves!" I hissed, "Utahraptors and Deinonychus were enemies at the time!"

"The more reason why they killed my mother!" Drexel countered back, then narrowed his eyes, "Maybe you should've learned who the hell your parents really were instead of seeking the truth from me! Because the ones you know aren't the ones I do."

"They're my parents!" I screeched, "MINE! I know them better than you Drexel! They would never hurt me! They would never give up on me or my brothers, and every day, they would risk their lives to give food to me and my selfish siblings only to eat the scraps thereafter because they cared about me! They didn't care about themselves, they cared about me! ME! They would never hurt me or anyone!"

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