Stella (31.5 days after)

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SO SORRY ABOUT THE WAIT GUYS! I had to rush this chapter, so its not the best or very good, but its an addition to the previous one. i had a lot of school work and stuff, so the next update might also take a while. But don't worry, the end it coming soon!


I rushed through the debris surrounding me, tumbling upon tons of bricks and stone, rocks and soil, even bark for that matter, scattered endlessly all over where the once powerful forest stood. It too became a victim, gone in a flash without any warnings or support to its cause. Not a single tree was left now.


Whiteclaw was the one who pushed me out the way, but I never saw what had happened to him. I thought we were both crushed. But I guess the world kept us alive for some apparent reason. For the first time, as I noticed earlier, the ground was silent and haste. Wind rampaged and howled across this earth like flyers, blowing up any remaining dust in snow-like designs. It only took a few more minutes of silence before my beak touched the Deinonychus's soft white exterior, and with a haul, I yanked him upwards to the surface. His body silently plopped onto the rocks, and I too had to follow up with that example, panting beyond the limits of my lungs. Whiteclaw laid silent and still, though he was stirred awake thereafter, and breathing a bit normally. His eyes stared at me shallowly, and his heart pumped slow, a bit to slow for me. And I was slow.

"You alright?" I panting. He nodded, then winced weakly.

"A-A little..." I lowered my head in a breath, then glanced up at him, nodding slowly.

"See what I mean?" I smiled, "You're better than you know." He just looked up at me as I continued.

"You saved me...and I know no other carnivore would do such a thing. You're not the bad one you say you are."

"I know," He replied, "But I wasn't just saving you....I was protecting you." I cocked my head in wonder, seeing his tail pressing on his chest with strength.

"Protecting?" His face looked twisted in pain.

"I stopped it."


"I stopped the tree," He muttered. Slowly, he lifted his tail up from his chest.

And all I saw was blood.

Tons of it, wrapped around an indent in his bone that was shaper than a jutted rock.

He was impaled.

"Oh my-" My eyes looked all over him, as if they were scanning for some virus. His eyes were closed and squeezed tight, and a slight little squeak fluttered from his trembling mouth.

He was in so much pain as I could tell.

But for me, I was speechless.

I had to take it out.

I looked at him with concern as I lowered my beak, wrapping my bone around the wood in his chest.

"This is going to hurt kid," I whispered softly. He shuddered ugly again, then nodded. And with a swift motion, a horrible crack and slip echoed my ears as the stick drew away from his chest. Almost immediately, Whiteclaw screamed, and his whole body went stiff as his agony raged onwards. I dropped the bloody stick and rushed to him.

"Breathe!" I screeched, holding him down, "Calm yourself..." His chest slowed down a bit, and his heartbeat pumped low, yet shook his skin above its outer core. His eyes just stared at me with sorrow and pain, though when he next spoke, his voice was slurred a bit, in strain.

"T-That t-thing wasn't natural. That was the c-clock...And it wasn't coming for me." He rasped. I stared at him as I placed my paw on his bloody wound, ceasing the bleeding, "I-It was c-coming for y-you."

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