Shadow (The Clock)

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GET THE TISSUES READY....That's all I could say....

Oh gosh...

    "SIDE!" Whiteclaw screeched suddenly, jerking out of the way, "To the side Shadow, Go!"

I reacted way to slowly against the attacking skeleton of a Triceratops, and the second I did hop to the right, a flash of pain carved its way through my hip. A sound of ripping skin told me instantly that the creature did get a strike at my body. I growled angrily, feeling little droplets of blood seep to the surface of a perfect lined cut through my scales, then slammed my foot angrily on the ground with a hiss. The Triceratops motioned to me twice, bobbing its jointed head around, then released an impossible roar, darkening its blackened eye sockets. It circled around me, shaking its head as a taunt, while I curled around, letting my tail fall behind me in each step, then bent my knees with another growl.

    Hopefully circling could give me enough time to know when to attack-

    Too late.

    The Triceratops caught me in deep thought, and immediately charged out of nowhere, bending its neck with pointed horns right at me.

    And fearfully, I froze, realizing that I never made up my mind.

    Yet Whiteclaw did.

    His body slammed into the Triceratops's rib cage, and his dug his claws into the bone. But he couldn't inflict a wound into its touch white shell. The Triceratops tried to detach him, then hissed as it watched Whiteclaw struggling to take down the devilish beast.

    "You fool!" The clock laughed, then jerked about five times in a back and forth motion. The Deinonychus tumbled backwards like a rag-doll, clumsily falling on his spine into the shallow water below with a splash. As he laid there in bewilderment, the Triceratops attacked again like a demon from hell itself, throwing its paw down at Whiteclaw's belly to crush him. Whiteclaw rolled to the side, avoiding the first strike, but as he got up to escape from its trap, a skeletal paw slammed him down by his back, slamming him onto the earth by his belly.

    "Whiteclaw!" I shrieked, not even realizing that I was bystanding in terms of the scene, not even helping the poor young raptor. Whiteclaw winced as he fought to pull away, but none of his efforts could truly get him far. I felt my muscles twitch into action suddenly, and without warning, I found myself roaring as I raced towards the skeletal figure without fear. The shadow only had time to glance at my upcoming attack for a mere second. I slowed my run, twisted my skull to the right side a bit, then jerked it other direction in fury.

    I, for some reason, deeply regretted that decision despite its eventual outcome.

    A splash of pain shook the impacted side of my face, as my boned part of my head struck the rigid bone of the Triceratops's frill. My vision went dazed as I fell sideways, yet regained my balance after my left foot slid upon the floor to a hold, curling my claws into the earth.

The Triceratops itself got struck right off the ground from the force of my jerk, releasing its paw from Whiteclaw's back, then landed on its rib perfectly.

    Not even the water could cushion his fall.

A bone-tearing snap echoed the world around us as it landed, and one by one, pieces of the skeleton fell apart, scattering all over the place. The skull flipped to its original right-side-up view, and skidded across the water to a stop, jawless, and only showing its frilled top.

And only the quick pit-pat of water and deep silence filled the black void.

I never knew it could take this little head whip to demolish such a hideous creature.

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