Fantasy Turned Reality

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Have you ever had the time when you thought what you imagined was real? Well, I actually had that moment..and to this day, I don't know whether it was real or not.

My name is Neo Anderson and I love playing Mobile Legends. I play it for quite a lot actually, having spent like months playing the game. Ever since it was released, I had played the game and fell in love with it.

Well... one night, I was climbing myself up to Legend as I did last  few seasons ago. I always had game sessions late at night because I believe that when it's late, none of the kids that may play the game are asleep.

Well, for tonight, it seemed like I was just unlucky.

I sighed to myself as I placed my phone down in disappointment. It was late at night and I had been rather tensed and frustated constantly as I tried to rank up. Checking the time on my phone, it was 12 am as I just finished my last game. However, the last game resulted in a lost as well.

With that in mind, I looked towards the hero tab section and looked around the heroes for a bit. I looked around and saw my old character that I used to main, Ruby. I looked a the character with a smile as she used to be my favorite hero, but I moved on to more heroes that were suitable.

She was fun to play, heck she is one of the most fun characters I ever played. I loved her kit as she was flexible and annoying for the opponent team. Her looks that she brings a certain charm to my love of anime is an added bonus to it.

But at the time I played her, she sucked. She was squishy and Chou was a cheaper and more effective option than her so I decided to play him instead, leaving my supposed favorite character out in the dust. After that, I took the game seriously and started to play more heroes that the meta favors, in which I was a lot happy for since I was winning a lot.

But it was slowly repetitive... slowly dulling the fun times I had ever had as I kept using a character that was easy to use or has a boring kit. But I ignored the feeling and jus kept pushing myself up as a Tank main and managed to reach Legend. At that time I reached it, Ruby was not in my radar of interest anymore as I favored more tankier characters.

But even to this day, somewhere down on my gaming hands, I yearned to have fun with a character that is flexible and hard to use. A character that takes skill and never gets boring to play despite how much time you keep playing the same character.

And that character may vary to everyone else, but to me, Ruby seems to be verstile in any case of the game as she is very flexible in any game except if ever the opponent team has the time traveling owl...

"Then, what are you waiting for?" Suddenly, I heard a female voice which made my eyes widened. I turned to my left to see Ruby beside me. I blinked as I thought I was hallucinating nor imagining what is in front of me so I shook my head.

"No... you are not real. This is just my imagination.." I muttered to myself as I denied whatever what was happening. Ruby frowned as she grabbed my arm, which actually felt like she actually did.

"I am your imagination." She exclaimed before smirking. "But it may feel real, as long as you treat it as such."

I raised an eyebrow, still not believing at the person beside me. "What do you mean?" I asked even though clearly I am by myself. Her hand reached out at the phone as she grabbed it from my hands.

"You always told me that I was your favorite hero." She said, sadness was clear on her tone as she fiddled through my phone. I frowned at the action.

"You are my favorite heroine at the entire game. You are fun to use and it never gets boring to use you." I explained as grabbed the phone from her hands. "But what can I do about it? I need to win."

Ruby huffed as she stood up, her scythe seemed scary from in front. I gulped as I saw her glare at me, her eyes sparkled with anger.

"Is it you told people to play what you want and have fun?!" She told me. "You are clearly lying to yourself right now."

I rolled my eyes. "Winning is having fun Ruby. I just want to keep myself in tip top shape at all cost." I retorted. "It doesn't matter who you use! As long as you follow what is good, you can stay at top!"

I can't believe I was complaining to a fictional character, my own imagination.  It just felt like...I am indeed fighting her but my mind was saying that this isn't real.

'She isn't real. None of this even is real!' My mind told me as I saw Ruby frown in front of me, subconciously making me sit up straight in my bed.

"Don't you wanna be unique? You always told yourself that it is boring to see the same characters always in Ranked." She explained. "Don't you want to be unique from the others?"

I gave her a humorless chuckle. "I know. I am tired of seeing and playing the constantly meta heroes. Those heroes gave me wins... which is good enough." I told her as I closed my eyes.

"I have no time to master any hero so I just went with the meta and try to adapt to it. What is good and what is bad... and never tried what the people call bad." I said as I sighed as the more I think about it, the more I can why it started to be stale. I always wanted to win - not to have fun like I used to... no more troll builds, no more funny plays...

No more playing fun characters such as Alpha or even Lapu- Lapu.

And the girl right in front of me is the one of the reasons why it is still fun. I always admired top Ruby players on how they do this and that but never really tried to get practice on her because I know it will take a lot of time.

My mind went in a 360 as I looked into my phone, glancing at the stats of the heroes. I didn't have any hero that reached two hundred matches as all I did was buy whatever was meta. I was indeed in the game to push up, but more of it was for the fun.

'...what am I doing? I should have fun... not pressure myself to keep on following a said goal.' I thought as I looked at the red riding hood beside me, her face in a smile as if she knew what I was thinking. That made me smile too as I let go of my phone and went to hug her, which she accepted.

"Thanks for making me realize something." I told her while in the hug. She was actually quite small as she was struggling to maintain the hug. After a while, I removed my arms around her as she gave me a smile.

"Well then, let the hunt begins!" She exclaimed, waving towards me before a bright flash of light happened that made me close my eyes. After the light had ceased, I looked around.

Ruby wasn't there anymore, as if she disappeared in a flash of light. I frowned as I grabbed my phone to see nothing was changed.

Except the fact that the game went to the character page of Ruby, who was doing her own character animation but at the end, she waved at me and gave me a wink.

My eyes widened as I blinked in shocked. I never seen Ruby do that.

Could it be... that she was real all along?

I sighed as I shook my head, removing myself from the character page as I queued up for a Classic Game. When everyone was in, I looked at the characters that I had but I was looking for the specific character that made me love the game.

"Let the hunt begin!" Ruby said as I locked in on her. I smiled as I saw her character animation again but this time, it was just the same as before. With a sigh left on my lips, I cracked my knuckles.

It was time to have fun again.


And we are done with a rather weird concept but I think I made it work... It was actually on my mind the entire time so I decided to write whatever that my mind can think of and go with the flow.

Anyways, did you guys have that moment when your favorite hero just went into your imagination? I had one but I couldn't clearly remember what hero it was. Leave it to the comments if you did so I can know if ever you had some sort of daydream like that. ;)

Leave a vote if you had enjoyed! Share it around so we let the Dawn of Legends be heard. Comment if you have any suggestions, concept, topics or criticisms that may well affect my writing. Let me hear it people!

Stay tuned friends... and stay awesome! :D

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