Chapter Six

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Bey's POV

"Excuse me?!" I yelled at Kelly. She had just come over to discuss some important news with me. I was off of the tour for a week, and I was supposed to be enjoying it, while having two gigs in the middle.

"It's not printed, yet, but there is no way of stopping this, Bey," Kelly apologetically spoke. I could tell that this wasn't any news that she would want to deliver to me, but she had a job to do.

"It's a lie, Kelly!" I cried out. It wasn't like me to cry over something like this, but due to recent events, I couldn't help but reflect and feel like I was being set up again. It had been going on two weeks since the last time I saw Shawn. He didn't call me before the shows anymore, but he would call me when he knew I wasn't around anyone. He'd sent many flowers with cards apologizing, but I wasn't really here for it. I didn't want to see him or hear from him.

"Bey," Kelly spoke softly to get my attention, "what happened in that hotel?" Her voice was filled with much concern, and I could tell that she wasn't asking to be nosy. She was asking because she'd been working with me for years and truly wanted to know.

"What?" I asked.

She sighed and looked at me. "Ever since Shawn came to surprise you that day, things haven't been the same. He doesn't call you before the shows anymore. The way you perform love songs is stronger now, while the sex songs are robotic. Something happened, Bey."

She was right. I had changed my entire mindset about things. Shawn had destroyed a part of me. I felt like I was the problem at times. I knew how he felt, but why do that? Why put me in a position to question his every move?

"You're right," I told her. "But, I can't share that information. Just know I didn't sleep with that man." There was a paper that was going to be printed in the morning that would say that someone from Rihanna's camp says that Shawn and I had slept together. It was talking about how Rihanna was angry and distraught and how I was like a friend to her, and she couldn't believe we would act on this. I knew Rihanna, and I knew that she wouldn't even entertain some bullshit like this.

Kelly had given up; I could see it in her eyes. "Is this going to mess up with you performing at his benefit concert?"

I had forgotten all about that concert. "I'm professional," I told her with a smile. "I don't really have to interact with Shawn. We can just go there, perform, stay a little bit, and leave." In my mind, it sounded like a wonderful plan.

"Alrighty, well, I got some business to take care of," she said before standing to her feet.

"Kay. If I have a panic attack tomorrow, I'll call you."

"Oh trust me, I know you will," Kelly laughed before hugging me. I walked her to the door and let her out.

"Bey Beyyyy," Danny screamed running down the stairs. When it came to my relationship with Daniel, I had sympathy for him. In my mind, I felt like his hero. He didn't know it yet, but one day he would know it.

"Yes, munchkin?" I asked while picking his heavy self up. Danny was one of those kids that ate and ate. His cheeks were fat and pinchable, but I knew the weight he had wouldn't last long. He was good for running around the house, so he'd lose the weight eventually.

"Can I go to the house wit chu?" I frowned up, because I didn't know what he was talking about.

It wasn't until Julian came out, did I realize that he had told Daniel that we were going to the other house. "You really want to go?" I asked him.

Quickly, he nodded his head. The other house that we always referred to was the house in the Caribbean that Shawn and I had. After I left, we had mutually decided to share the house. It was where either of us went when we needed to get away from a lot of things. I was surprised that the media hadn't found out about the house, honestly. I was going there for about two days, because I knew Shawn would be busy here, in New York, for his benefit concert.

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