Chapter Fifty One

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It's Thanksgiving Day! Do you know what that means? I mean do you really know what that means? No, it's not about family – no forget them. It's not about the little pilgrims or whatever. It's about the food. The food that I helped cook. The food that has so many calories. The food that I'm going to devour and forget that I'm even on tour. Oh thank God this tour is almost over. Yesterday, Nia, Michelle, Ms. Gloria, Milena, and I all went to Nia's house to cook majority of the food. I know you're wondering how the hell that went. Well, it went a bit good. Of course, Michelle's mouth almost got her hit a few times, but for some reason, Gloria always set her straight. The twins' mother was surprisingly pleasantly nice to me. Granted, we haven't talked much, but after what she did at Nia and Corey's announcement dinner, I had written her ass off.

We were all getting ready to go over there, now. The dinner didn't start, honestly, until 6:00. Shawn and I decided to serve at the food bank earlier. It was a wonderful turnout and cause, and I'm glad that we were doing something similar for Christmas. That's one thing I appreciated about the partnership with Shawn. He was just as willing to give back as I was.

"Shawnnnn," I practically yelled. This was my third time calling his ass.

"What?!" he yelled back.

"The hell are you doing?"


I was growing sick and tired of this. I needed to speak with him, and now. I walked out of my room and to the railing. As I looked down, my eyes immediately fixated on Shawn and Julian downstairs playing that Xbox Kinect. I rolled my eyes before letting out a deep breath.

"Excuse me!" I yelled down the stairs.

Shawn looked up and smirked a bit.

He did whatever he needed to do to pause the game and came up the stairs. "Yes mama?"

For some reason, he's been calling me that a lot lately. I think he's trying to put some type of voodoo on me, but I can't tell for sure. "We need to talk," I told him before turning around and heading into our bedroom. There were several boxes stacked around the house, especially in my room. We were planning on moving as soon as possible. I wanted to be comfortably in the new house before February. Shawn thought I was crazy, but I was already picked out majority of the furniture for the house.

I sat down on the end of the bed and pulled Shawn closer to me. "I think you should have a conversation with your mother today."

Shawn removed his hand from mine and looked at me funny. "Why?"

"I understand what she did hurt you. I realize that she's never apologized for it. But that grudge you hold against your mother isn't healthy for you. This will benefit you to talk to her."

He stared at me for a moment. Honestly, I didn't know how this conversation was going to go. But, for some reason, I just wanted to see where Shawn's head was with all of this.

"If you don't want to do it, I completely understand. But it's been so long, Shawn. She may hate herself for what she did with you."

Shawn simply nodded his head, but no words came from his mouth. That scared me a bit, honestly.

"I'll see what happens," he told me. "What time are we heading over there?"

I looked over at the digital clock in my room. "Oh shoot, I didn't know it was this late. We're going as soon as we get dressed."

Shawn's loud ass simply walked out the room to yell for Julian to go take a bath and get dressed. I shook my head and went to get into the shower. It wasn't long before Shawn joined me by placing his hands on my waist. I smirked and leaned back to look at him. "On Thanksgiving, Mr. Carter?"

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