Chapter Forty Six

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Shawn's POV

I looked in the mirror as I was getting dressed. This wasn't a normal thing that I did, but today was a big day for me. Even though Bey already accepted the proposal, I wouldn't feel right if I didn't do it properly. She had flown into New York last night and immediately crashed. I had arrived earlier in the day. This gave me a chance to sneak into her bag and get the ring back. Luckily, she hasn't started wearing it, yet.

Today was the day that we would be going to therapy together. I didn't know whether or not Bey was going to do a solo session later on, but I was still contemplating it. I had gotten more comfortable with my therapist, and I could be a lot more honest with her.

I crawled into the bed and kissed Bey's face. "Babe," I whispered. She was a light sleeper, and I knew she'd wake up soon. I didn't want her to be grouchy or anything.

"Hmm?" She asked after a while of laying there.

"Get up," I said as I laid on the side of her.

She buried her face into the pillow and turned to the other side.

"Please?" I asked.

"Whyyy?" Her voice was groggy, and I knew that she needed to rest that immediately. This tour was wearing her out and I don't even think she paid much attention to that. When it came to Bey, she was more about satisfying her fans than anything else.

"We have the session today, but the kids wanna go to breakfast."

"You talked to them?" She asked, immediately turning over to face my smile.

"They called earlier. I didn't want to wake you up, then, so I told them we could go to breakfast."

Without saying anything else, Bey immediately jumped out the bed and ran into the bathroom. I couldn't do anything but laugh at that. I knew that she had missed the boys, so I wanted them to spend some time together.

It didn't take Bey long to come out. She put on some shorts with a white studded tank top and a short sleeve studded vest. I watched her as she put I'm a pair of black heels and look around for her shades.

"Ready?" I asked her when I figured that she was done.

She looked back at me and nodded. We both got into my truck and I drove over to Corey & Nia's house. I saw another car in the circle driveway, and sighed. I knew exactly who that car belonged to.

"You staying in?" I asked Bey, hoping that she would say yes.

Bey smirked. "Boy it's hot out here. I wanna see Corey and Nia."

"Do you see that car?" I asked Bey as she opened her door.

"So? Ain't about to run from that girl."

I shrugged my shoulders and got out the truck. I followed behind Bey as she walked up to the door and rang the doorbell. A very pregnant Nia answered the door with a bright smile plastered on her face. Honestly, I was surprised that she was smiling right now. Corey had told me numerous times how Michelle and my mother were driving Nia crazy.

"Hey! Come in. They're around here somewhere," she said, clearly out of breath.

"When are you due, girl?" Bey asked with a small laugh.

Nia laughed a bit while putting her hands on her back. "They say January, but this baby is clearly trying to make a Christmas debut."

Bey couldn't stop smiling. It was something about her and babies that she just went goo-goo for. "Boy or girl?"

She simply smiled, "We won't know that until the baby is born."

Bey's eyes grew big. "What if there's more than one?!"

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