Chapter Forty Nine

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I took the boys back to the house and boy was I pissed. My mother had her ass cooper up with Ms. Brenda. I knew that they were both great friends and all, but they were both crossing lines that just wasn't right. Yes, Ms. Brenda was practically a mother to that little girl, but at least respect Ashley's one wish. That's it. She may have had a damn good reason for that baby to not see Jermaine.

"What y'all want for dinner?" I asked as soon as we got into the house. Looking around it, I knew that I needed to move soon. You ever just get too familiar and comfortable? I wanted fresh. I wanted a new beginning.

"Doesn't matter," Julian told me.

"You got homework?" I had to ask. School was in session, so I knew that there was a possibility.

Julian shook his head. "Okay. Don't be lying to me. Danny what you want for dinner?"

"Brownies," he nonchalantly answered.

"That's dessert, sweetie."

"I know."

I looked at him for a moment. He was so damn serious. "Okay, how about I cook dinner and then we can make some delicious brownies for dessert?"

I swear I saw a sparkle in that boy's eyes. "With milk?"

"If that's what you want."

He nodded his head and ran off toward his room. I sighed a bit and walked upstairs to my room. Shawn was in there, laying back on the bed, and watching television.

I got myself out the clothes and changed into something more comfortable for the house. I sat down on the bed and looked at him. I knew he was still upset, but I wanted to tell him how it went.

"It was good," I started. "He talked to Julian and basically gave him good advice."

Shawn looked at me and frowned up. "What kind of advice can a criminal actually give a child?"

I mean mugged Shawn hard. Granted, Jermaine made very poor decisions in life, but I've known this man since high school. "How about advice on how not to end up in there? Listen Shawn, regardless of everything, he is still Julian's father. I laid down with my fiancé and got pregnant," I told him bluntly. I didn't care how Shawn felt about Jermaine, but he wasn't going to sit and take away Jermaine's right to his son.

I'd done that and still feel a bit bad about it.

Shawn smirked and nodded. "Let me ask this though, was the trip there more for you or Julian?"


"You were going regardless, correct?"



"To find out about my mother."

Shawn blankly looked at me. "You went to a jail to visit a man that practically wanted you dead to ask about your mother?"

I stood up and shook my head. "I can't believe you. Everything we've been through, Shawn. Every single thing. You don't believe someone can change?"

Shawn didn't say a word.

"I really hope you don't think people stay the same, because if you do think that, you need to look in the mirror," I spat before walking out the room. I was a firm believer in change. People can change. Change was happening all around me, how could I not?

My baby boy was changing. Milena is changing. Shawn is changing. I changed, because listen, the old me would've popped Ms. Brenda and my mama's ass. But, I looked in that mirror and knew I couldn't be that person again. I'm getting old, that's all that is.

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