Chapter Twelve

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Everything was a blur. The only thing that I could remember was getting dressed for tonight's show. I was pumped, and ready to go. I was always a fighter, and would remain that way. I wanted to give my all to my fans, and that meant pushing myself to a limit like no other.

"Bey!" I heard constantly around me. I couldn't make out exactly who it was that was screaming my name, but I knew that I wanted them to shut up. I also wanted whoever had this light in my face to leave me alone, as well.

Angrily, I started swatting people away from me. My eyes finally popped open and I could see everyone looking at me. They looked concern and I knew exactly what it was. I was working too hard, but it was the only way to keep my mind off of a lot of things. I was in the studio, I was rehearing, and I was on stage. I tried to occupy myself with a lot of stuff, because I hated being alone with my thoughts. Going to sleep had to be the worst time of day for me.

The doctor pulled up a chair, and looked at me. "Ms. Knowles, you fainted. You're dehydrated and exhausted. Can you tell me what your schedule's looking like?" The woman looked. I knew that she knew who I was, but it seemed like protocol to ask about my schedule.

I shrugged my shoulders, "I have a show practically five to six days a week. On my off time days, I'm in the studio working on my next album. Before the show, I'm rehearsing and making sure that night's show is perfect."

"Have you done this before? This type of schedule?"

"Yes. Maybe not to this extreme, but the tour scheduling is not anything new for me. Recording an album and rehearsing this much is. But, I like to give my fans everything I have."

She laughed softly, "I can see that, Ms. Knowles. Sadly, I'm going to have to recommend that you get some rest."

I gave her the dullest look that I could muster up. I didn't like being told what to do. If I felt like I was fine enough to do what I needed to do, I'll do it. Performing was my life, and I was determined to finish this tour in the time I gave myself. "No," I told her.

"She's taking the rest," Kelly interjected.

I looked at Kelly and laughed. "You can't force me to sit in a bed all day. I'm performing. Reschedule tonight's show, because it's the only one I'm cancelling."

"Bey," Julius attempted to chime in. I wasn't hearing it from either sides. I didn't want to cancel anything. I needed to make sure that I gave my fans what they wanted.

"Why not just take the rest of the week off? That's all we ask," Kelly tried to reason. I didn't want to take the week off. I wanted to perform. I wanted to be in my element. Me falling out wasn't enough to stop a show. Simply give me this one rest day, and I'll be fine.

We ended up leaving the hospital and going to the hotel room. "So you're doing the show tomorrow?" Kelly asked.

I nodded my head, "And the one after that, and the one after that. Kelly, I understand yall are concerned, but performing is something I need to do."

Kelly didn't say a word. She simply nodded her head and left out of my room. Julius was pissed that I was putting myself I harm's way. I couldn't help my dedication to my fans.

With all of my clothes on, I climbed into the bed and somehow went to sleep. I knew I was exhausted. I couldn't help but wake up to the feeling of someone attempting to take my clothes off.

"The fuck?!" I angrily asked. I opened my eyes to see Shawn trying to get me out of my clothes. "Trying to rape me again?"

Shawn stopped what he was doing and just looked at me. I could tell it stung every time I brought it up. What I didn't understand is why he was here and how he got the hell in my room. It was something about those twins and their connections that always made me wonder.

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