Chapter Thirty

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Shawn's POV

Sitting in this empty house, I felt worthless. I had been here, alone, for going on a week. After what happened with Bey, I just had to leave. I couldn't be in the same city with Bey. I didn't deserve it. I went back to the house and packed up a small bag and made an emergency plan to leave the city the next day.

I knew that Bey was the only one that knew were I was. I had a feeling that once she realized that I was gone, there only left one place that I could be. Was I expecting Bey to walk through those doors? Not at all. Did I expect her to call me? Of course not.

I simply needed to be away from everyone. I had made the official announcement of my retirement from rapping yesterday, and it was a bittersweet moment. I had been thinking about it for a while, but with my recent actions, I knew it was for the better. I needed to work on myself and learn how to control a lot of things. I didn't want Bey to have this monstrous image of me in her head, so I just wanted to chill out for a while.

Hearing a knock on the door puzzled my brain. No one just...knocked on this door. No one even came here, really. The most company we had at this house was the police when Dana broke in. This wasn't really a house we wanted anyone to know about, but I was thankful that the police officers didn't mention the owners at all. They simply said that she broke in, which was a crime. It was supposed to help with her case in New York, so it all worked out in the end.

I looked through the peep hole and frowned up at the sight of my younger twin. I opened the door and immediately saw that he wasn't here on the friendliest visit.

"So instead of Bey coming to talk to me, she sent you?" I asked as I allowed him inside.

Corey closed the door behind him. "Actually, Bey doesn't want to talk to you. At all," he responded.

That hurt, but I was actually expecting that. When Bey wanted to be stubborn, trust that she knew how. This time, she had every right to act this way. "You talk to Rihanna?" I asked him as we both made ourselves comfortable in the living room.

"No," he said eyeing me weirdly. "Look, I don't come to be in your business. I don't care about your relationships. What I do care about is being called in the middle of the night to a crying woman. I ask her what's wrong, and instead of flat out saying it, she protects you. So, what happened?"

Protect me? I was honestly positive that Bey would've told Corey everything and he'd be ready to whoop my ass. "I blacked out," I said softly. I couldn't look at my own brother.

He just looked at me, waiting for me to continue.

"We had this argument that stemmed from the whole thing at the event. I went to her house early in the morning, late night. Julius opened the door and I just lost it. Wanted to fight him and everything. I think the straw for Bey was bringing up the baby," I said with a slight shrug to my shoulders.

"I went home and talked to Rihanna. She talked me into talking to Bey. Later that day, Bey wasn't answering her phone, so I had to go over there. Found out she was planning Julian's party without me. She was about to leave and I asked her where she was going. She wouldn't tell me, so I followed her."

"You've got to be kidding me!" Corey erupted. He rose up from the couch angrily and I just looked at him. If anyone thinks I'm scared of Corey, they've lost their damn minds. We grew up two different ways and experienced life different ways. I was streets and he was business, you do the math.

I looked at him and then the couch. Corey let out a deep breath and sat back down on the couch. "She was probably more pissed off than you are right now. I went over there to talk to her. She started on this no trust and respect then. Basically ended the relationship. I guess I blacked out, cause the next thing I know, I was inside of her and she gave me the same look..." I trailed off.

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