Chapter Fifty

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Nia's POV

Butterflies. The day that I was anticipating my whole life was finally here. This was nothing I thought it would be all these years. I remember I used to dream about this day. The sun was to shine bright, my family was supposed to be happy, and I would have no worries. But oh no. They don't tell you about the butterflies, the behind the scenes chaos, and dealing with other people. On top of everything, I was pregnant. I was very pregnant. My baby was walking down this aisle with me soon.

I was in the dressing room dedicated for myself. I wanted a separate room from everybody, because I simply didn't have time for other people's shit. Corey's mother and sister were literally about to make me stick my high heel so far up their asses. I don't know what Michelle's problem is, but the girl is bat shit crazy.

"How are you doing, baby girl?" My sister, Taraji, asked me.

I looked in the mirror and sighed a bit. "Nervous and ready to get this over with."

She smiled a bit. "No you're not. This is a moment you'll never forget. Cherish it. You're marrying a great man, girl. Family aside, that man loves you, okay?"

"Oh trust me, I know how much I love him. But all the shit outside those doors..."

"Fuck them," she said vulgarly. "This yo shit."

I looked at her with a surprised look before bursting into laughter. "Since when do you curse?!"

She waved me off. "Been hanging around Shaundra's ghetto ass."

"Out in the hall with Beyoncé's son," she told me.

"Oh. How are things out there?"

She looked at the door and back to me. "Chaotic, but that's to be expected. Everyone wants this perfect for y'all. You should little Beyoncé out there running around in them five inch heels. I'm just waiting on her to bust her little ass," she laughed, causing me to laugh.

"You know, I see why she and Corey are best friends. That girl really has a heart. She didn't know me from the next broad, and made me feel like I belonged."

Taraji shrugged a bit. "There are kind people in this world."

"Hey my sistaaaas!" Shaundra came in singing.

"Girl, are you drunk already?"

"No. The bartender isn't here yet, but this wedding is beautiful! I ain't never seen no live band at no wedding!"

I laughed a bit at that. Beyoncé had allowed her to steal her band and backup singers for the night. I had to say that the venue was beautiful. The lights were amazing and were supposed to change throughout the night. We had a dance floor. There was also a table for close friends and/or family only, while everyone else was supposed to sit at their designated tables.

I looked down at my phone and saw that Corey had actually texted me. My sisters had to have seen it, because they immediately snatched my phone. "Y'all can't go a few hours?!" Shaundra asked.

"Give me my phoneee!" I whined like a baby.

"Girl, bye. No," she responded. "You're supposed to sit here looking like royalty."

"I can't talk to the king?" I asked.

Shaundra read the message. "Oh hell," she said softly

"What?" Taraji and I asked.

"Girl, Beyoncé about to rip all up in Michelle's ass!" Shaundra said as she snatched Taraji up without another word.

Beyoncé's POV

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