Chapter Thirty Six

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Milena's POV

I knew I shouldn't have gone there. My gut was telling me to just keep it trucking. I was feigning hard right now. Looking around the neighborhood, I sighed softly. I had secretly vowed to myself five years ago that I wouldn't return back to this place.

"Babe!" I called out through the small two bedroom, one bath house. There weren't any extras here tonight, and I was thankful for that. I didn't feel like watching this man show out in front of his little friends.

I followed a sound through the house and ended up in the bedroom that we called ours. The other bedroom was for anyone of his little friends that he let crash there for the night. I had no idea who it would be tonight.

"You got the money?" He asked me as he was laid up in the bed, watching TV.

I shook my head and climbed in on the other side. "Her ex boyfriend answered the door."


I nodded my head at him.

"Why you didn't ask him?"

I looked at him like he was crazy. "Because he would've called Beyoncé. Actually, he probably did call her. She has that man so wrapped around her finger and doesn't even know what to do with him."

He laughed softly. "Where was Rihanna?"

"He said the hospital. But, he wouldn't tell me where."

"Damn..." He said softly. "You think he lying?"

Shaking my head, I knew the answer to that. "He has no reason to lie to me."

"Maybe Rihanna told him about her giving you money."

I knew where this was going to go. This was an argument that I truly didn't want to have. The money that Rihanna gave me wasn't even half the money I would give to this nigga. I was stacking my paper in hopes to get me a place. I wanted to finally get clean and be with my baby, but it was hard.

It's hard still trying to recover and being around someone that still deals with it. This life wasn't something that I just chose. I was introduced to. Three people have tried to help me, and I think it's time I help myself.

"Drop it, okay? Hopefully I catch up with Melissa one day," I tried to reason.

"Lena, you can't stay here forever and not pay, girl."

"I thought we were together!" I was angry by now. He had never treated me like I was one of those other girls. I was always the head bitch. After all, I did give birth to his child and actually keep it. His child lived wonderfully for five years, and was still living that way.

"Really Lena?" He asked while looking at me like I had grown three heads. "You disappeared for five years! Five fucking years! Then mysteriously, pictures of you hanging with celebrities come up and you think you just gone come back and tell me you ain't got shit?!"

I sighed and got off the bed. "I ain't got shit, Zay!" I yelled back at him.

"You mean to tell me you lived for Bey all them years and you ain't got shit?" He asked, looking at me stupid.


"Are you stupid?"

"Excuse me?"

"You had one of the best opportunities in the world. You were constantly in the presence of money makers, and you just sat there?"

"I was living with her and watching the kids."

"And you never thought to get a job? You never thought to find a way to make money? You thought you was gone be baby sitter that needed to be babysat? You a grown ass woman and ain't got shit!"

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