Chapter Fifty Six

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2 years later...

Nia's POV

"Caelan, come here, baby!" I yelled out through the house. I cooed as I sat down with my one year old, Mallory. She was the happiest baby that I've ever seen. Caelan was nothing like her as a child. Even now as a three year old, he raises hell in this house.

"Wook mami!" He said as he walked in the living room with his shoes.

"You going somewhere?" I asked him.

"Yeash!" He said excitedly, causing me to laugh.

"You're not going anywhere. You hungry?"

"YEASH!" I laughed because I knew the answer to that.

I looked down to see him touching Mallory's face. It was something that he always did when she was around. When he first met her that was the first thing that he did.

"What you want to eat?"


I blinked. "Popeyes or French fries?"

He did nothing but repeat himself. "Can you play with Mally while I get you some food?"

"No," he said while pouting.

"Why not?"

He didn't say anything. I guess I was saved from going through that. Corey walked through the door and Caelan flew right to him. Mallory squirmed in my lap, so I put her down as well.

She had learned how to walk, and I was honestly proud of myself. At her age, Caelan wasn't walking by himself. He was wobbling, taking a few steps, and falling.

"You're home early," I said while sitting on the couch after watching him fawn with the children.

Corey looked at me for a moment before shaking his head. "I'm guessing you forgot about the gathering."

"What gathering?"

Corey laughed a bit. "You did. Bey and Shawn's gathering, babe."

My eyes got buck. "I'm sorry! I forgot!"

He kissed my forehead. "It's fine. You all have time to get dressed."

Bey and Shawn were having a small gathering. It was something that we, as friends, had decided to started. Every three months we get together and just have fun and talk. It wasn't like we could do it every single day.

"You want to see Arielle, Cae?" I asked my son.

I swear his little eyes lit up. "Yeash, mami!"

I giggled a bit, while Corey shook his head. "Shawn is going to beat my poor son's ass."

"But Bey and I think it's cute!"

"That's another problem."

I rolled my eyes and picked Mallory up. "Let's go get pretty, baby girl," I said while kissing her.

Solange's POV

"Hurry up Mommy!" I heard Daniel constantly yell while jumping on my bed. I simply looked at him.

It was Saturday, I didn't feel like moving one damn bit. Why should I? It's my off day and it's Saturday. Would you move?

"No," I said nonchalantly.

"But I wanna see Bey Bey!" He whined before flopping down on me.

"You just saw her yesterday," I laughed a bit. Even three years after living with Bey, he's still as attached to her. I didn't mind it one bit. It helped with his relationship with his cousins.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2018 ⏰

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