Chapter Fifteen

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Shawn's POV

I really should've listened to Bey. Had I known that Rihanna was working on her next album, I would've waited a bit longer. Rih wasn't an artist that allowed her songs to speak for themselves. She was an artist that needed a little push. I knew that this album was going to be very personal, and I needed to make sure that she didn't spill anything. I didn't mind her speaking about infidelity. I didn't care too much about being known as a cheater. I know what I did, and I would gladly own up to that.

But, she couldn't bring Beyoncé's name up once. She couldn't hint that Bey and I were even romantically involved. I knew a bitter woman when I saw one. The night at the awards ceremony, Rihanna was pissed. We had arrived separately, against her wishes. She didn't see why we had to arrive separately when we were still staying in the same house. I hadn't moved out, yet, but I wasn't around much. She was having all of her friends over, and I didn't want to deal with it. Bey was adamant about me just giving her the house, but shit – that was my damn house.

I was sitting in my office, looking through some stuff. Bey had sent me some of the music that she was working on and wanted my opinion. I offered to listen to them when we saw one another, but she refused. I couldn't help but think that she was nervous about whatever that I would be listening to. The titles of the songs were enough to spark my attention. Start Over, I Care, & I Miss You.

Sighing softly, I listened to the acapella versions and immediately got intrigued by the sound of her voice. I had never heard her voice with some much passion and emotion of a track.

"Jay?" I heard from the door. Immediately, I turned the music off and looked at Rihanna.


"Is it true?"

I frowned up, not knowing what she was talking about. "Is what true?"

"Did you really cheat on me with Bey?"

There was no way in the hell that Rihanna would've known what we did in my vehicle. "Where did you hear this?"

"It doesn't matter, is it true, Jay?"

I eyed her for a while. She deserved the truth, and I was going to give it to her. "Yes."

"How could you, Jay?!"

I could've been a smart ass, but I didn't have a problem with Rihanna. I sat there quietly.

"You're not even going to apologize to me, Jay? You ruined our relationship!"

"I can't and won't apologize for something I don't regret, Rih. You may be right. I probably did ruin our relationship, but did you help it?"

"Excuse me?"

"In this world, there is reality. Did you really think trashing my best friend in public was going to look good on you? Do you know how pathetic you looked coming at someone like Bey? Someone that is graceful in public? Did you know how ridiculous you looked churning out a rumor about my best friend and I sleeping together?"

Rih laughed. "You just admitted that it was true!"

"Actually, when you decided that you wanted to lie – you did exactly that."

"So pictures of you coming out her hotel room late at night just didn't happen?"

"So?" I asked her. "She had just had a concert. We're best friends. I wanted to speak to her. You gone come at Corey, too?"

I didn't appreciate Rihanna going to blogs about that night. Even though Bey didn't say much about her feelings, I knew that it hurt her. She was still in that moment of me....raping her. To have someone say that we had sex was like a punch in the gut for her. Bey didn't have to tell me that much. That's why, a part of me felt like her altercation with Rihanna was justified.

"You know what? Fuck it. Karma's gonna be a bitch to the both of you!" She yelled throughout my house.

I paid no attention to it. Karma already was on the plane coming straight for us. We were strong enough to handle it. When I heard the front door slam, I cursed a bit. I needed to be packing. Corey and I were going overseas for a week. We were planning a charity over there for the unprivileged. We needed to get everything together and quick.

"So we holding a concert for this?" Corey asked as we were looking at our final plan.

"How about a dinner party? With performances."

"Ask Bey to come," he quickly said.

I couldn't help but laugh. It was proven that if you wanted something to be successful – you call Bey.

"And Rih," he added.

"Wait. What?"

"Rating. More pull. You know people want to see how they'll act. How you'll act." Corey was generally the brains behind whatever event I had. We were both businessmen, but when it came to big fundraising events, he knew what to do to get the biggest pull. I knew that no matter what, Bey would help the cause. She felt strongly about helping others.

"Speak of the devil," I said looking down to my phone.


"Bayonsay." I said befor answering the phone.

"What you want?" I asked her.

"Wait." Bey said before hanging up.

I frowned up. I know she didn't just hang up on me. Corey laughed at my confusion, but she was calling right back.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Much better," Bey replied.

"I know you didn't hang up on me."

"You gone learn how to answer your phone properly when I call."

"Oh whatever! What's up?"

"I'm picking you up when you come back."

"You not picking Corey up?" I asked and looked over to his confused expression.

Bey laughed. "Ask him if he remember that time he made me walk home."

"Corey, Bey said you remember that time you made her walk home?"

"After she cussed me out in my own ride? Yeah."

"Why you cuss him out Bey?!"

"He was talking shit!"

I loved her laugh. She was too cute when she was happy.

"But no, I wanna take you somewhere."


"It's a secret, and don't ask me about it no more."

"You gone stop being bossy with me."

"Whatever. I'm burning food."

"Like always," I commented.

Bey paused before hanging up. I laughed a bit and continued working with Corey. The girl was a mess.

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