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"That's all you have to do. And you'll never have to go to school again. But think of it more as a perk." His piercing green eyes stared into mine as he grabbed both of my wrists.

"Because you don't have a choice."

I shrieked and squeezed my eyes closed.

The emptiness trickled into me and spread through my blood like poison. Each time my heart beat it felt as if it was pushing the emptiness further into my body.

*Flashback Over*

I had this flashback often. But I couldn't ever remember what happened next. I don't want to know. I'm not going to remember.

That would make it real.

Each time I had a flashback I would always feel awful after. I would feel like I didn't really exist. Sort of a dream like state. But it wasn't a happy dream. It was a nightmare.

"Cece? Are you even listening to me?"

"What? Sorry. I'm not feeling well I need to close my eyes."

"Wait you can't just go to sleep! We need to talk about this!"

"Not now."

I curled into a ball to avoid Demi's yells. I tried my best to drown them out in music. It must have worked because I fell asleep.

When I awoke we were pulling into Demi's driveway.

"Good morning sleepyhead. Feeling better?"


"I dropped the girls off at mom and dads so we can spend the day together."

"How lovely."

We went inside and Demi ordered us pizza. Such a wonderful meal on such an extraordinary day! Note my sarcasm.

"Come sit with me on the couch." Demi grabbed my hand.

"Why the couch? Why not the floor? Or the table? Or outside? Or how about you sit on the couch and I sit on my bed?"

"Couches are comfy! And inviting! We need to talk. I think you know that. And I think you want to deep down."

I for once was speechless. I had done this to myself. I allowed Demi to find out about my "issues" and that Im not in school. This is all me.

Demi practically dragged me onto the couch. She sat far to close to me so I scooted way far away.

"Look... you just need to tell me how you got that note. I'm not going to be mad I promise."

"Demi I don't know how! I don't remember!"

"Just tell me as much as you do remember."

"I was at my ex boy friend Tyler's house. He knew that I hated school so he told me he was arranging a way for me to not have to go anymore. He told me to go into his brothers room so he could help."


The memories came flooding back. Realization finally hit me about what really happened that night. I felt numb. Disgusting. Worthless. Horrible. I let it happen. It was all my fault.

"I-I-I let him have sex with me."

My breathing quickened and my heart pounded. I jumped up to run away.

Run away to anywhere. I always thought that if you have a car you can escape anything. A tornado, a murderer, a bad situation. But what if that situation is in your head? Do you just keep running?

Or do you run right off a bridge?

Troubled: A Demi Lovato FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now