Chapter four

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The next morning I got up at 6 am after an almost sleepless night. I always told the girls which worked for us to not let anything faze them, but Nai knew how I really was. I cared in some way for each one of my clients and that was the reason that almost didn't let me sleep. From what I'd overheard, Marshall had someone but no one knew of her, she wanted him to make it official and with me being here, she had another reason to push him to do so.

Poor guy.....

I'd decided to do some sport, but since I didn't have a key for the house I couldn't go for a run. So I did some exercises in my room and then went downstairs, where I was greeted from Martha.
„Good Morning sweetie. You're up early, didn't sleep well?"

„Good morning..." I smiled back and she instantly turned around to the coffee maker. „I'm always up early." I assured her and she nodded and lifted a cup.

„Coffee?" My smile grew even wider and I nodded repeatedly. „Milk? Sugar?"

„None of it, please." Martha filled the cup and placed it in front of me.

„There you go, sweetie. What ya wanna eat for breakfast?" she asked on and I sat down at one of the barstools at the kitchen isle.

„Just some toast and 2 scrambled eggs?" I suggested and she nodded. „But you don't have to hurry, I'll go upstairs and get ready so I can have breakfast with Marshall."

I took a big sip and stood up again, but Martha halted me. „Marshall won't eat breakfast here, in fact he didn't sleep at home last night. He left a note, so I'd tell you that he'll be here at 8.30 to pick you up."

„Okay." I tried hard to cover my slight disappointment with a smile. „Then I guess we'll have breakfast together?!"

At 8.15 am I'd eaten, showered and walked now down the stairs completely ready for my day. I was wearing tight ankle jeans, adidas sneakers a black tight shirt and a leather jacket. My hair was open and the makeup simple. I looked as good as possible.

I heard Martha talking to someone and was surprised when I walked into the living room and saw Marshall.

Well, it's his house.....

„Good morning." I said with a smile and he turned around and looked at me. You could clearly see he didn't get enough sleep the past night.

Wonder why.....

„Morning!" He mumbled back and I almost huffed out.

Looks like we're back to square one....

„You ready?" He asked and I nodded while he walked towards me. „Aight, then let's go."

This was all I'd heard from him until we arrived at the studio. I'm not gonna lie, I was happy to get out of the car and away from his silent treatment. It was the first full day we would spend together and I already had enough of his mood swings. Of course I understood that the whole situation was a damn mess for him, but as I said, it wasn't my fault.

Before we stepped through the door we were greeted from Royce.
„Yo, Em..." he slapped hands with Marshall and then looked at me. „And Good morning to the lady." I laughed out and shook his reached out hand while Marshall's cellphone started ringing. He looked at the caller ID and walked away without a word. „Guess ya left wit me, huh?" Royce went on and I shrugged. „Then let's head inside." All gentleman like, he opened the door for me and I walked at his side down the hallway to the kitchen.

„So, how's it going with Em?"

„I'm an expensive hooker and his lil puppy." I answered and Royce looked stunned at me until I started laughing.

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