Chapter fourty-seven

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~ 1 months later ~

So far my relationship with Marshall was doing good.
After I'd called and came back from Germany, my boyfriend had tried his hardest to be there for me and build me up again. The encounter with my biological mother and brother had stayed with me for a while and I don't know what I would've done without Marshall. He had talked to me a lot, helped to weigh out the options of regaining contact with her or cutting her out of my life as I'd done in 40 years. In the end I'd decided that I didn't want her around and all he had said was „then that's how it's gonna be!"

His support was incredibly important and I can't explain how much it calmed me to know he would be there for me. Finally I had someone who would be strong if I couldn't be. Someone who held me and builded me up if I needed to be. Marshall was the best that could've happened to me.

It was the beginning of June 2017, the 9th to be exact, a Friday and my boyfriend and I was laying on the couch and watched a movie.

Well, we tried.....

Making out was much more interesting than the tv and he had just started to push my shirt up when we heard the doorbell. An annoyed growl erupted from his throat when he stopped kissing me and rolled off me.

„This better be important or I'll lose my shit!" He scoffed while he strolled out of the room and I sat up and chuckled.

Grabbing the water bottle from the coffee table, I heard a female voice outside in the foyer and instantly my ears perked up.

„Is your bitch at home?"


I stood to my feet and walked towards the foyer, while I heard Marshall respond with a pretty pissed tone.

„The fuck you think you are, bitch? Comin' to my house an insultin' my girlfriend. Get ya shit together, Mira!"


„I have to talk to her about her slutty friend!" She shot back and her eyes immediately landed on me when I stopped in the threshold.

„If you dare to call Nai slutty again, you'll see what you get, Mira!"

„Really???" She asked venomously and walked past Marshall who only watched our convo before he stepped at my side. „Then tell me what you'd call a bitch which interferes in a relationship!"


Mira pulled a cellphone out of her jacket pocket, unlocked it, typed a few times and showed it to me.

„There, read it yourself!"

I took the phone and the first thing I did was checking the phone number, it was indeed Naina's, before I scrolled through the text message.

This can't be true......

„This has to be a misunderstanding." It was the weakest defense ever, but I simply couldn't believe that Nai would do something like this.

„A misunderstanding???" Mira snarled and Marshall took a deep breath beside me.

„If ya would've treated him better, he wouldn't have looked fo' another."

He knew???????

„You knew 'bout this???" Mira asked in disbelief and my boyfriend shrugged nonchalantly. „And of course you knew about it too."

She glared at me, while I glanced at Marshall and slowly shook my head.

„You're the worst actress I've ever seen. It's better you made your money with spreading..."

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