Chapter thirty-three

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One and a half hour later, I speed walked through the hotel lobby and almost every head turned to look at me because of my stressed behavior and my heels echoing through the hall. I was running late and I hated it with a passion. To my defense, it wasn't my fault, it was the terrible Detroit traffic and still I was stressed when I finally arrived at the restaurant where Nai was sitting at a table in the corner and waved her hand at me.

„Sorry Nai, damn traffic!" I apologized instantly while I hugged her and then pulled off my sunglasses and let them fall into my handbag which I'd placed on a chair beside the one I sat down on.

„The fuck happened to you?" She dismissed my apology and I looked confused at her. „Bitch you don't look like a heart broken woman. You're fucking beaming!"

I smiled whole heartedly and held off to answer her, because the waitress came to take our orders.

„I'm waiting, Christina!" Nai stated while typing with her nails on the wooden table and I failed terribly in biting down my smile.

„I won't fly back home...."

„I figured from that grin on your face. The question is, what did he do to make you stay and smile like that?"

„He told me he loves me." I said and Naina's jaw dropped.

„Wait...." She took a deep breath and blinked her eyes a few times, „you mean he said ‚I love you', not something like ‚I like you a freaking lot'?!"

„Only 3 words. I love you!" I confirmed and Nai's arm shot up and she yelled to the waitress.

„We need two glasses champagne over here!"

I chuckled about her excitement and immediately she turned to me and leaned forward to pull me in a hug and kissed my cheek.

Thank god, she's using no lipgloss this morning!

„God, Chris, I'm so happy for you!"

„What do you think what I am?" I asked back and she grabbed my hand and squeezed it, her smile matching mine.

This was another reason why Nai was my soulmate and sister. We both knew what this could mean now for us, I'd might move to Detroit, leave her on her own in Santa Monica, but still it didn't matter. If the tables were turned I'd just be as happy for her, because I knew we'd always find a way to see each other and Nai was the exact same.

That's what true friendship and sisterhood is!

„I thought you was so determined to leave his ass? That you wanted to put an end to it? When did he say it? Oh.. and how did he say it?" She was bombarding me with questions and I laughed out. „Bitch stop laughing and tell me.... and why didn't you at least text me?"

„There wasn't exactly time to message you." I answered the first question of many with my eyebrow cocked up and a smug smile and she laughed out.

„You soooo have to give me all the dirty details..."

The waitress interrupted us by bringing our Café au lait and then I explained everything that had went on during the past few hours.

Almost 1 hour later Nai knew everything and we had changed the topic from the undeniably greatest rapper of all times, to the wanna be greatest, Drake.

„And he really said that?" I whined with a scrunched up face and Nai nodded while laughing. „I don't know if I wouldn't have bursted out laughing or stopped."

„I swear I almost laughed out..." She calmed down a little. „Picture that, you're getting fucked from behind and the guy slaps your ass and growls ‚sexy sugar butt'!" We both bursted out laughing about her mimicking him and for 2 minutes we couldn't get our shit together anymore. „And then when he was done, he fell down on the mattress, breathed like he had just ran around this planet once and then to top shit off was like ‚I'm awesome, right?!'"

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