Chapter eighteen

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~ Dallas ~


After a 3 hour flight I'd landed in Dallas, Texas and the first thing was a wall of heat crashing against me when I'd walked out of the air conditioned arrival hall. I knew that my newest client would send someone to pick me up and so I looked around, while I put my bag down to take my jacket off.

God damn, now I know how hot it's in hell!!

„Miss Adler?" A man which approached me asked carefully and I smiled politely and nodded. „I'm Mitchell..." he introduced himself and reached out his hand for me to shake it, „I'm Mister Bryant's employee and he sent me to pick you up."

„Nice to meet you, Mitchell and please call me Christina." I said, but this time I didn't offer to be called by my nickname. Somehow it felt wrong.

Maybe because Marshall had used it so much?!

„It's a pleasure. Please follow me."

Mitchell seemed like a nice guy and I followed him to the car, while I decided to do some small talk.

„Is it always this hot here?" He laughed out and nodded.

„It sure is, but I can assure you as long as you stay in the house it'll be okay. Thanks to the air conditioning." I chuckled and we arrived at a black SUV where he opened the back door for me so I could get in.

„How long are you working for him?" I went on when he'd got in the driver seat and started the car to drive off shortly after.

„4 years."

„And you're just his driver or?"

I know, I'm noisy.

„I'm his person for everything." He chuckled. „Cooking, driving, bookings, whatever Dez needs I'll take care of it."

„So, you was the one then who booked me?"

„Oh no!" He said while looking at me in the rearview mirror and smiled. „That was all him. He saw you a year back at the Super Bowl and since then he tried to find you. When he finally found out who you are, he booked you immediately."


I nodded and leaned back in my seat and didn't ask any more questions. What I'd heard wasn't a good start. If Dez Bryant had put so much effort into finding me, I had to be prepared for him flirting with me and maybe trying a little more. This was the last thing I honestly needed right now. I'd just left Marshall, the man I was in love with, and now I had to deal with a footballer which had searched for me for over 1 year.

The drive had felt like eternity while I looked out of the black tinted window at Dallas and his surroundings. I couldn't deny that it looked nice around her, nicer than Detroit. But Detroit was Marshall and so nothing could beat it, probably not even Santa Monica.

„Christina, we're here." Mitchell brought me back to reality while he drove through a high gate and I instantly spotted the footballer, standing at the end of the doorsteps of his mansion and obviously waiting for me. „I'm glad he's not jumping and clapping like a kid at Christmas morning." Mitchell dead panned and I couldn't hold back a laugh while I took a closer look at Dez Bryant.
He was taller than Marshall, I think 6 ft 2 and due to his profession he looked fitter and heavier (Wikipedia said 220 lb). He wasn't bad and maybe he'd had  a chance 2 months ago, but now an introverted rapper was waiting for me to come back.

My very own rap god.....

„It's a damn pleasure to meet you!" Bryant said when he had opened the car door and reached his hand out to help me get out and I smiled politely.

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