Chapter twenty-two

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All he did was rubbing his hands over his face, while I waited for his reaction. I knew I'd cornered him and it wasn't exactly fair, but I wanted to hear it. I wanted him to open up, especially in a situation like this, to know where I had him. If he could get over the fact that he was pissed and tell me about his feelings, I knew I'd accomplished to tear down another wall around him.

„I'm fuckin' sorry for what I've said....." he started and I straightened up and slided forward on my chair. „An I want you to forgive me so bad, but..... Chris, it ain't the right time to talk about this....." he trailed off in a sigh and I nodded.

„If you can't do it now, knowing that I'll forgive you and stay, this is all useless....." I started quietly while I stood up. „I would find a way to prove that there was nothing between me and Dez, but not only to help your ego. This time I need something in return to stay."

He looked up at me with a startled expression before he jumped to his feet, almost making his chair fall backwards.

„You ain't leavin'?!"

„I am, Marshall." I shot back before he grabbed me at my upper arm to keep me from walking.

„That wasn't a fuckin' question, Christina. You ain't leavin' me again." He stated, seriousness written all over his features and I swirled around and pushed his hand off my arm.

„You really think you can demand anything?" I asked back aggravated and took a step towards him. „I wasn't the one who messed up big time and still I came running back to clear everything...."

„You shouldn't have left in the first place!" He fired back and I huffed out frustrated.

„It's my job Marshall! And I'm not going to stay with someone who can't be honest about how he feels for me! Do something, damnit! Give me a reason to..."

I couldn't go any further because in the blink of an eye he had cupped my face and silenced me with a soft kiss.

„I fuckin' can't, Christina, not yet..." he whispered against my lips and kissed me again while I placed my hands at his upper arms. „Gimme time, please, aight?! Just a lil more an...." He stopped talking to kiss me once more and then pulled his head back to look at me. „I won't disappoint you, I fuckin' swear.....just....."


Great timing Sit..... NOT!!!!

Instantly Marshall released me and stepped back so it wouldn't look suspicious to Whitney why we were standing so close out here and while I pressed my lips into a thin line to remove the tingling feeling, she came walking out.

„There you are..." she sighed unnerved and I smiled at her. „Why you two out here?"

„Just talking, Sit. Good morning by the way." She smiled and rolled her eyes while she walked over and hugged me quickly.

„Morning, Chris..." and then she turned to her father, „good morning, dad!"

„Morning, baby!" He hugged her too and kissed the top of her head before she wiggled out of his grip.

„How bout breakfast?" Whit asked and I smiled and nodded at her suggestion while she already turned around to go back inside.

I'd started walking behind her and was surprised when Marshall suddenly sneaked his arm around my waist and pressed a kiss under my ear.

„I'm sorry." He said quietly and I nodded.

„I know."

To be honest I'd no idea for what he had apologized. It could be another sorry for his behavior yesterday or for the way he was. Either way, I didn't want any of his apologies, I wanted for him to build the courage to finally tell me what I was to him, nothing more.

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