Chapter fourty-three

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After we'd eaten together, Nai and I had decided to go upstairs and search for something to wear for tonight. To be honest, if we would've been at home we definitely would've pulled out our best dresses and jewelry only to piss these bitches off and give them something more to gossip about, but since we both hadn't had that much clothes with us, we'd decided for simple and casual in the end.

„Time for a short heads up.." Nai said while she pulled her long brown hair into a ponytail and I looked at her in the mirror and pursed my lips.

„Okay...uhm.... Denaun's chick's name is Mira. It's her birthday, on the bitch scale she's a 8. Then Becca, Royce's wife, bitch scale....hmm.... between 5 and 6 and Al's chick, Jess, bitch scale off the charts and she rather would ride Marshall's dick than Al's."

„Sounds fun!" She chuckled and I nodded. „And they all hate you?"

„I'm a whore who seduced Marshall by spreading my legs. So what do you think?" We both laughed out and Nai patted my shoulder.

„They'll so gonna get it if they start shit with you again."

„That's honestly completely useless, Nai. They've made up their minds about me anyway and I've already said what I had to..."

„Are you kidding me?" She cutted me off in disbelief. „You really gonna cave in and let these bitches run you over?"

„Nai, I already won!" I clarified and slowly a smirk creeped on her face. „I'm still around and not just to be Marshall's fuck buddy, he loves me and there's nothing they can say or do to change that."

„Smart..." She complimented and I smiled. „But I'll still tell them to back the fuck off if they cross the line."

„Deal!" I stated while I stood up and walked over to her bed where my clothes had been layed out for me.

I was just about to slip into my second flat when Naina stepped in front of me and scanned me up and down

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I was just about to slip into my second flat when Naina stepped in front of me and scanned me up and down.

„What?" I asked confused and automatically looked down at me too, to find out what she was looking at.

„Flats?" She asked with furrowed eyebrows and I shrugged.

„Why not? It's just a birthday, no need to doll up."

„Sneakers, okay. But flats to go out??" She questioned and I sighed. „Chriiiis????"

„I'm already taller than him, okay?" I admitted annoyed and actually a little bit embarrassed. „If I'd wear high heels I could spit on his head."

My explanation totally made her crack up and as slightly annoyed I'd been that I couldn't hide such a simple thing from her, her laugh was too infectious.

„You're really becoming considerate, nice to see."

„As if I'd have never been with you!" I played offended and she scrunched up her face and nodded.

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