Chapter twenty-eight

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It was past midnight when the girls had decided to go to bed and Marshall and I had a little time for us.

„You tired?" He asked softly while he scooted over to me and pulled me in his arms and I smiled at him and shook my head.

The whole evening he hadn't shown any kind of affection towards me, but I more than understood him. No matter how old his daughters were, they still were his kids and there're simple things you just don't do when they meet your new partner for the first time. Kissing or hugging each other was one of them.

„So you don't wanna go to bed?"

„Do you?"

He leaned down and kissed me, leaving this tingling feeling on my lips that almost drove me nuts.

„Later definitely..." He trailed off and kissed me again while his hand glided under my shirt, „I wanna see what's underneath that."

„I'm here to please, so what do you expect?" I smirked and he lifted my shirt up, saw the black bra and bit in his bottom lip.

„Woman, I wan'ed to talk, did ya have to show me that an get me all horny?" I laughed out while I pushed my shirt back down, let my hand glide from its place on his stomach onto his crotch and kissed him.

„Later you'll get whatever you want." I whispered seductively and then in a sudden movement, removed my hand and sat up beside him. „But now talk!"

„Fuck..." he sighed. „Shouldn't have mentioned that, huh?!" I only shrugged. „Yo, but I can still talk while ya hands there, you know?!" He nodded down in his lap and I laughed again about the smug smile on his face.

„I don't doubt that you can talk, I just know you can't concentrate and I don't wanna know what we talk about then."

„Got me, fuck!" He huffed out and then kissed me quickly. „Nah, jokes aside..." He became more serious and I looked at him expectingly. „I know you talked to the girls an cleared the air, I just wan'ed to know if you're good, you know?!"

Isn't he sweet when he wants to....

„I mean, you heard everythin' they've let out bout you an I'd totally get it if you'd be mad or kinda affected by it..." he trailed off and rubbed his hand over his face. „Guess I just wan'ed to tell ya that you don't have to feel obliged to go out wit them or pretend shit, you know?!"

„Marshall if I would have a problem with what they'd said or their reaction at all, I can assure you I would've told them while we talked." I said calmly and he nodded. „I completely understand their reaction after they'd heard only fragments from Tasha, they're trying to protect you, so why would I be mad? I mean, I admit, at first I was shocked, but then more sad than mad. You're important to me and for sure I want to get along with your daughters and at that moment I thought everything is screwed now."

„Important, hm?" He asked while wiggling his eyebrows and I huffed out.


„Yeah, sorry. I just like when you say shit like that."

„Oh, do you?"

„Mhmm..." he let out while he bent over me and started to kiss up my neck.

„Didn't you say you wanted to talk?" I whispered while I let my hands glide over his back and he stopped and looked at me.

„Are you good?" I nodded. „Everything's cool between you an ma girls?" Again I nodded. „Then fuck talkin' an le'me take you to bed."

He definitely has a point!

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