Chapter fourty-four

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Naina had flown back to Santa Monica one day later, with a long list of things to pack at my house. First I wanted to go with her, but she'd ordered me to stay here when she'd seen that Marshall wasn't so keen about me leaving. I honestly had mixed feelings about this, Sure it was incredibly sweet of Nai to be so understanding and supportive of my relationship, but the both of us shouldn't just fall to my boyfriends feet and obey his every wish, only because he scrunched up his face. He wanted me to move in here, so he should be okay with me going to pack my stuff.

Sometimes it's not easy with him....

„What's wrong?" He asked while we sat on the couch and I looked through my spam mails to avoid talking to him.

For 2 hours I'd looked through booking requests for our girls, answered to emails but only to not snap at him.

„Nothing!" I sneered and he sighed.

„Babe...." I looked at him with a stoney expression on my face and he lost his words.

„I'd suggest you watch tv and just let me do my stuff. I'm right beside you, that should be enough for you to be satisfied."

„The fuck?" He asked clearly confused and I looked back down at the screen of my iPad, but Marshall pulled it out of my lap.


„Talk, Christina!" He demanded and I exhaled deeply. „Don't gimme that face an behavior. Get it off ya chest."

„You know that I've agreed to move in here, right?!"


„Then why do you feel the need to also lock me up?"

„The fuck you talkin' bout?" He was clearly irritated.

„What I'm talking about? I can't even go to my house to pack my stuff, Marshall. You demanded I'd move in here, that was one of your conditions that we would have another chance, but you're also the one who doesn't even want me to leave to get my belongings."

„You're on your period or some shit?" He completely dismissed my anger and explanation and I huffed out.

„It's not possible anymore, so don't start with that shit and explain your behavior instead." I argued back and he instantly sat up straight and stared at me.

„Wait.....what? The hell you mean wit it ain't possible no more?"

„While I had the....." I stopped myself to not say the word and make him even more mad than he obviously was. „You know what.... I also had a sterilization."

„You what?" He snarled and I was taken aback by his sudden anger.

„I had a sterilization." I repeated and he scoffed. „What's the problem now? I thought you'd be okay with us not having kids?!"

I knew it.....I knew he couldn't let this go!

„You know I am." He pressed through gritted teeth and I huffed out in disbelief.

„Judging by your behavior, you're not, Marshall!" I stated, my anger now matching his. „The question is, why would you lie to me about it?"

„The fuck you wanna hear?" He asked back rethorically and frustrated.

„How about the truth??"

We stared right into each other's eyes while I waited for him to answer me. We definitely had to clear this once and for all between us or otherwise this would be the reason we would break up for good.

„I thought you'd maybe change your mind one day..." he admitted when he had let his head fall down and I took a deep breath.

All his anger had been replaced with a hurt expression and I felt instantly sorry for him.

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