Chapter twenty-six

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The following 3 days had gone by pretty unspectacular. We had stood up together to have breakfast and Marshall went to the studio while I stayed at the house a little longer to talk to Martha, call Naina and then do some sport before I went out to drive around the city. I considered moving over here, so I had to at least know to find my way to certain spots. By now I knew my way to the mall, grocery store, spa, hairstylist and nail salon, so I'm good.

After lunch I'd stopped by each day at the studio to bring some cake over and of course see how Tasha was acting around Marshall. To be honest, I was pleased about the fact that she'd stopped drooling, but still I couldn't wait until her time was up and she was gone.
She seemed like such a sweet and inconspicuous person, but she definitely couldn't play me. I knew how she had tried to push Marshall into making them official or about her useless tries to get him back and then for sure her freak out on Tuesday in front of me. She was far from being what she pictured herself to the people around and so I hoped that the next weeks would go by without any drama from her side.

Today was Friday and while Marshall had informed me that he would be at home early so we could spend a quiet and relaxing weekend together, I'd drove to the airport to pick up my luggage which Naina had packed and sent over. We'd also compromised that since I wouldn't take anymore booking requests, I would take care of the paperwork from now on and so I not only picked up 6 suitcases but also 3 boxes.


I have to admit it sucked a little to not go to work anymore, not because of the men don't get me wrong, but more because I wouldn't jet around the world anymore. I'd loved my life the way it had been, seeing different countries, learning about new cultures and now....
Now I felt almost at home in Detroit, at the side of my not so introverted anymore rapper. Marshall had accomplished what I'd never imagined to be possible, I was settling down.

And I love it!!!

I'd parked the car and was a little surprised to not see just Marshall's car standing in front of the garage but also 2 other cars I didn't know. I knew it wasn't Royce, Denaun or someone else's from the studio, I'd already seen their cars and so I decided to leave the boxes and luggage in the trunk for now and walked in through the backdoor which leaded directly into the kitchen.

„Hey Martha!" I greeted her cheerful but instantly she stormed towards me while shaking her head repeatedly and motioned for me to be quiet by putting her index finger over her lips.

What the hell???

„Martha, what...." I'd just started to whisper when I heard loud voices coming from the living room.

„You can't be serious, dad!" A girl yelled and I instantly knew that it wasn't Whitney.

His other daughter is here???

„Hailie is right, uncle." Another female voice agreed and I stared startled at Martha.

„His daughters are here?" I whisper yelled and she nodded and then tried to shove me outside. She definitely didn't want me to hear their conversation and I was about to walk out, when I heard Marshall which made me stop and my ears perked up.

„I get that you're concerned or whatever, but it's my thing who I'm with! Remember, I know what I'm doing."

This is about me!

I stood at the spot and shook my head at Martha to show her that I wouldn't move and then girl 1 yelled pretty frustrated.

„Dad, she's a prostitute! Do you really expect to live happily ever after with a woman who spreads her legs for a living."

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