Chapter thirteen

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I'd stood for a while in the kitchen and thought about our argument. I couldn't deny that somehow his intentions were nice and sweet, but let's face the truth, I could never get along with these women. We came out of different worlds; while they were happy and proud to be the girlfriends or wife's of someone, I worked hard to stand on my own feet and earn a shit load of money, that was what I was proud of.
I honestly felt sorry, for the way I'd talked to him and how everything came out, but he just couldn't expect me to leave everything for him, at least not now. We still had a long way to go until I could even consider to make a move like this. I wanted and needed the same as him, for him to take a risk for me and open up.

After I'd emptied my water bottle and turned off the lights, I went upstairs to look for Marshall and maybe talk to him. Royce's advice to not let him push me away, kept me from being stubborn and just go into my room; what I normally would do. I had never been the kind of woman to chase behind a man, but Marshall.... for him I tried to change.

„Marshall?" I asked when I knocked at his bedroom door and when he didn't answer, I tried the handle, but he had locked himself in.

Very mature......

„Marshall, can we talk, please?!"

„Fuck off, Christina!" He yelled and I huffed out.

Try one more time.....

„Marshall, come on. Please open the door and let us talk about it."

„Leave me the fuck alone!" He yelled back and I nodded, turned around and walked into my room to wash the makeup off and go to sleep.

The next morning, Saturday, I woke up from my mattress getting pushed down and I blinked my eyes a few times to see a worried looking Marshall, sitting at the end of the bed.

„You gonna eat breakfast with me?" He asked subdued and I propped myself up and looked at him. „Chris, I get it if you're pissed at me, but can you gimme a chance to make it right?"

He's too sweet!

„With breakfast?" I asked while hiding a smile and he pressed his lips into a thin line and shrugged. „I think you can do better than that!"

„It's a start..." He said with a low voice and then pressed his lips together tightly again while looking down at the sheets.

Ugh, it's impossible to torture him when he's like this....

„How about you give me a kiss and then we start with the breakfast?" Instantly a smile formed on his face as on mine and he crawled over to kiss me.

„I'm sorry, Christina, fo' real..."

„I know!" I cutted him off and kissed him again. „We can talk later, okay?" I smiled at him with a wink and before he could kiss me again, I rolled out of bed and quickly went into the bathroom.

We'd spend the day at home and relaxed, well if we could keep our hands off each other. I've never imagined how easy and nice it could be with a man, especially such a closed up man like Marshall Mathers. He was really opening up slowly and had told me a few things about his past. But he still kept a lot to himself. For sure I understood it, we didn't know each other for long, but that he even started was enough to make me think.

What would I do if I'd quit?
What would happen to my business?
Would he be okay with me still running the escort service?
Could I move to Detroit?

And the most important....

What would be with Nai?

„What you thinkin' bout?" Marshall pulled me out of my thoughts and I turned in his arms on my back and looked at him.

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