Chapter thirty

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For the following 2 hours I'd stayed in Marshall's bedroom, sprawled out on the bed and stared aimlessly at the ceiling. This whole thing was a mess and I really didn't think I could push through it. What would happen if Tasha would go to the press and tell her lies about me and Marshall? This would degenerate into a witch hunt and I knew this relationship, or whatever it was, was far from being strong enough to overcome it.

I'd just grabbed my cellphone from the nightstand to call Naina and tell her about all this mess, when the door opened slowly and Marshall peaked his head in.

„Just wan'ed to see if you need anythin'?!"

He was asking so carefully that a small smile creeped on my face. As scarifying he could be with other people or introverted with me, he also could be one of the sweetest and most caring men I'd ever met.

„No, nothing. Thanks." I answered and sat up while he closed the door behind him and walked over to sit down at the end of the bed.

„Wanna talk?"


„Well it's not like as if there wasn't enough to talk bout...." he sighed and then turned halfway around to look at me properly. „I really understand if you're fuckin' pissed, Chris."

„I think I'm more confused and disappointed."

„Then talk to me, I'll explain as much as possible." He tried and I took a deep breath and started.

„Why did you hire her again?"

„Because despite her fucked up personality she's doing a great job. It was in the best interest of my label, you know?!" I nodded in understanding.

„Did you have sex with her while I was gone?" I had to know and he failed horribly in hiding a small smile.


„What's there to laugh about?"

„Are you jealous, babe?" He asked and the smile grew.

The idiot likes to hear that.

„I am...." I admitted and while the stupid smile lingered on his face, I went on. „I don't like her around you, Marshall. Knowing that you had sex with her, disturbs me."

„Chris, there's none to worry for ya. I know it was dumb to tell her all that shit an I get it if you're pissed, but I wan'ed her off my ass, you know. I really thought she'd jump in and keep her mouth shut."

„Then why did you kiss me at the studio to prove a point? Why didn't you fill me in? If I would've known about all of this, I'd have reacted differently."

I was so confused about all this that I threw every question that swirled in my head at him. I needed answers to understand his way of thinking and why he did what he'd done.

„I kissed you fuckin' innocent on your cheek, I just couldn't help it, you know? Christina I can't stay away from you or keep myself together when you're around. I...." He stopped and shook his head while he exhaled loudly. „You're important to me..."

„If I'm important to you, then why didn't you fill me in? Why did you risk that I'd leave?"

„You thought bout leavin'?" He asked startled and I shrugged and looked down in my lap.

„I think it'll be easier for all of us...." I said with a low voice and he scooted closer to me and put his index finger under my chin to lift my head up.

„Ey..... Stop that shit, aight?! You ain't goin nowhere, understand?"

„Marshall, what...." I tried to contradict but he already shook his head.

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