Chapter thirty-seven

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~ 4 months later ~

A lot had happened over the course of the past months.

Since Marshall broke up with me.....

Nai and I had left Detroit the same day to go home to Santa Monica and 2 weeks later I'd went to the hospital to have the abortion. Also I'd decided to get a permanent sterilization so something like I had experienced with Marshall would never happen again. Although I knew it wouldn't anyway, because I'd sworn to myself to never fall in love again.

The day of the abortion and surgery was a really sad one, but not because of the act itself. I knew I'd made the right choice, but the pain around all of it made me cry for days. Naina had been incredibly sad, but never questioned my decision again and only supported me and then there was my shattered heart.
I'd lost the man I loved, the man I wanted to grow old with, because he couldn't understand that my future didn't include us having a baby.

I still thought that Marshall and I could've been happy without our own kid. He already was a father to 3 extraordinary girls, so for me there was no need of bringing another one into his life. And let's face facts, Marshall was almost 45, I had turned 41, it would've been irresponsible to have a baby for us.

After sulking for 2 months and patching up my heart, at the end of 2016 I'd decided to pull myself together and start working again. I needed something to get my mind off of my past relationship and while Naina was trying her hardest to help me, I thought it would be best to jet around the world again.

10 minutes after my picture had been uploaded on our website, to let our clients know I'd from now on take booking requests again, I already was booked for January and February 2017.

Not bad......

The first month I'd spent with a gay couple in Spain!


Antonio Villariba was a construction tycoon which wasn't brave enough to tell his family about his relationship with his company lawyer, Filipe. Since Antonio's family pressured him to finally build a family himself, Filipe had decided to hire me to play the loving new girlfriend and after 1 month break up with him, which would buy the two men more time.

It honestly was a great time with the two and in the end I'd managed to convince Antonio to come clear with his family and tell them about the man he loved. To all our surprise, it turned out better than we ever imagined and next year I'd be the maid of honor at a conservative spanish wedding of 2 gay men.

The first 3 days of February I had spent at home with Nai, to get over our usual body treatments, stylist and beauty doc appointments and then I had my next job wit a 50 year old silent partner of a Hollywood production company.

Weston Michaels was a great guy, pretty good looking and for his age in perfect shape. But I still wasn't over Marshall and so I didn't even waste one thought about having sex with my current client.

Today was February the 18th, 2017 and I'd went to a hair stylist and makeup artist to get ready for tonight. Weston had been invited to a birthday party and for sure wanted to show off his company, flaunting on his arm.

I'd finally managed to get into my tight gold gown and carefully brushed with my fingers through my hair, which was falling in big curls over my shoulders, when Wes yelled through his mansion for me.

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