Chapter seven

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After Marshall had brought Whitney back to her mom and he came back, I got the silent treatment. For sure it was better than his tight lipped comments, but it bothered me. Honestly, I'd thought countless times about just talking to him, but I didn't know how to explain myself. I didn't want to lie to him and since I couldn't tell him the truth behind my reaction, I had to keep my mouth shut. I simply didn't want to let him know how I felt about him, without knowing what he felt for me. The painful truth was that I was a booked company for him, which would get money if I would have sex with him. So it would be no surprise if he just wanted to use me as an distraction from the chaos around him. I had to be realistic, he would never feel something for me.

Today was Wednesday and like each of Marshall's work days, I'd went with him to the studio. He had buried himself in work; or pretended to, so he wouldn't have to interact with me in any way. So you could imagine how happy I was to see Denaun and Royce every day, to at least be not alone the whole time.

I was sitting in the lounge area and looked through new booking requests for my employees on my iPad, when Royce plopped down beside me.
„Damn, he's fuckin' pissed at ya!" Instantly I left everything aside and looked at him.


„Ya heard me. You fucked up an he's fuckin' pissed." Royce repeated and I furrowed my eyebrows.

„What did he tell you? And who else did he talk to?"

„I think only wit me an what he said? That he made a move an ya turned him down."

It's only the truth....

„I did." I confirmed and Royce looked at me with a mixture of disbelief and curiousity.

„Why? I mean if ya wanna tell me...." I inhaled deeply and bowed my head. „Ey, I won't say a word."

„Not even to him?" I looked at him from under my eyelashes and he shook his head.

„Not even to him!" He assured me and I lifted my head to look properly at him.

Straighten up, bitch! Don't act all weak!

„I basically broke my one and only rule, I developed feelings for him." I said and Royce's eyes widened shortly. „It never happened to me, probably cause I never let one of my clients get to me like him. Royce, I turned him down because I know it would hurt me when I leave again, sex only complicates shit..."

„Then stay!" He cutted me off and I shook my head.

„We both know I'm only here because it's my job. I will leave in 20 days, no matter if I've feelings for him or not and then...." I sighed out. „I don't know what he thinks, feels or whatever about me. I.... it was the only right decision to make!" I ended and he simply looked at me for a while, not saying a word.

„Talk to him!" He said then and I shook my head.

„I can't lie to him and since I don't wanna let him know the truth, I'd have to. I can't explain my behavior."

„But if ya don't you'll never know what he thinks." He tried to reason with me and he almost had convinced me, when Marshall walked in with Tasha behind. My eyes were glued at the two while Royce looked from me to them and then back at me.

Thank god I kept my mouth shut!!

„Chris, Sam'll take ya home whenever you wanna leave! I'm outta here for today." Marshall stated coldly and then turned around after he'd seen me nodding in understanding.

„The fuck was that?" Royce asked confused and I cleared my throat.

„Guess he's back together with her..." the second the words had left my mouth, my eyes widened like Royce's.

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