Chapter seventeen

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It was 2 am when I fell asleep in Marshall's arms, I was exhausted but the good and veeeery satisfied way. We really hadn't talked much after we'd changed our place from the couch into his bedroom, but it wasn't necessary. This last night was about being with each other, feeling each other and not ‚destroying' these intimate moments with talking. Sure I should've been bumped about the fact that he hadn't fully opened up and told me about his feelings, but that was Marshall. He was like me and just because I had mustered the courage to say it, didn't mean he had to. It was enough what he had said and the meaning behind it, I just had to have faith in him.

At 5 am I slowly woke up from him brushing softly through my hair.

„I'm so fuckin' crazy bout you, Christina! Why you have to leave me?"

I honestly thought I was still half asleep and his whispers had been the aftermath of a beautiful dream, because he didn't talk on. So I turned around in his arms and waited for him to continue.

„You awake?" He asked quietly and I nodded against his chest. „Did I wake you?" Again I nodded and his body tensed. „How?"

„I thought you brushed through my hair..." I whispered tiredly and he relaxed again and wrapped his arms tighter around me before he pressed his lips shortly at my temple.

„You wanna sleep some more?"

„Not if you don't want to." I said back and he removed one arm from my back, placed his hand under my chin to lift it up and kissed me softly.

„Then let me love you...."

Marshall hadn't woken me up and I groaned when the alarm of my cellphone did exactly that. Sleepily I patted around where he had fallen asleep a few hours ago and instantly shot up when the sheets beside me where cold and empty.

He's already awake!

My eyes wandered through the room to see if he was maybe at the bathroom, but the door was open and the lights inside turned off. After I'd shortly stretched my body and had felt that my thighs and butt were a little sore, I jumped out of his bed and went into my room, to at least pull on sweatpants and a shirt.

I pulled my hair up into a bun while I hopped down the stairwell to look downstairs for Marshall, but was devastated when I only found Martha in the kitchen.

Where is he? It's only 8 am...

„Good morning sweetie!" she smiled while she already turned to the coffee maker to fill a cup for me and I smiled back at her.

„Good morning Martha and thank you." I said when she'd placed the cup with my life elixir in front of me at the kitchen isle.

„Slept well?"

„Heavenly. And you?"

„Not as good as you it seems." She said and I chuckled.

„Where's Marshall? I thought he'd be here to eat breakfast?!" I asked now the most important question for me and Martha's smile faded. She turned around and handed me a folded piece of paper.

„He asked me to give you this." She explained and I stared at the paper in my hand. „I'll leave you alone for a bit."

Martha had went out of the room and with slight shaking hands I unfolded the note.

I'm sorry I'm not there to say goodbye, but I can't watch you leave me!
I had an amazing time with you, no matter how messed up it sometimes was. Just know that I'll wait for you, Christina. Don't forget about me.



The last sentence I could hardly read because instantly tears had clouded my eyes. I can't describe the sadness that had washed over me, that I couldn't kiss or hug him one last time, but there was also something else. This little letter was enough prove to me that he wouldn't need more time; like he'd said yesterday. My untouchable, cold and closed up rapper had opened his heart for me.

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