Chapter thirty-nine

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~ 2 weeks later ~

My time with Weston had ended 3 days ago and after we'd promised to stay in contact, he'd ordered a driver take me home. I really had enjoyed staying with him and even more that he'd never tried anything sexual.

Again..... a true gentleman!!

For sure I'd called Nai daily, as always and even more after the messaging with Marshall. She'd been utterly surprised and it was fun to hear how she'd stammered and tried to build a whole sentence, this was very unusual. When we finally could keep up a normal conversation and I'd explained to her about my worries, she'd agreed with me. I would've to be prepared for anything the second I stepped back into his life.

„When's your flight going tomorrow?" Nai asked while she strolled out on my veranda with 2 glasses of Chardonnay.

It was the evening of March, 8th, 2017 and tomorrow morning I'd fly out to Detroit. My bags had already been packed; 3 for now since I didn't know how long I would stay, my rental car was booked and reserved at the airport and so I'd my last hours to spend with my best friend.

„10 am." I answered her and she nodded.

„You called Martha?"


„What did she say?" I looked at her in disbelief and she chuckled. „So she's happy you'll be back?!"

„She yelled! Do I have to tell you more?" Both of us chuckled and Nai became serious again.

„I hope you finally asked her about him and what he has done the past months?!"

See, Martha and I had stayed in contact the whole time and while she first, like everyone, couldn't understand my decision, in the end she accepted it. We'd talked about 2 times a week, but I'd always instantly blocked when she wanted to tell me about Marshall. At this time I couldn't bare to hear about the man I loved, how he was doing or what he did, but now that I'd come back I needed to know all that.


„The first weeks he was miserable. Angry, pissed, name it, he was it and after that he locked himself up completely." I sighed out and Nai took my hand in hers and squeezed it. She knew how terrible I felt that I'd hurt him.


The golden question!

„Not that she knew off. He slept at home each night, well during the week...." I let my voice trail off, untangled my hand from Nai's and pulled the blanket around my shoulders little tighter.

„When he was honest in those messages and really missed you, he had no one else, Chris." She said quietly and I nodded. „You're scared about that, right?!"

„I am!"

„But you know you should be prepared for it?!"

„I know...." I sighed and ignored the pain in my chest about the thought of Marshall with another woman. „I know I don't have the right to even get mad. In the end it was my decision which pushed him to break up with me, it's just......arrrgh..." I grunted and Nai chuckled. „Only thinking of some bitch's hands on him makes me want to rip out my hair."

Nai was still stifling her laughter while she handed me my wine glass and then patted on my head.

„Take a good sip and calm down, blondie. Leandro would kill you if you'd rip out his masterpiece." The last word she had mocked my Italian hair stylist and we both cracked up.

„Then let's hope for my safety that I'll come back from Detroit with all my hairs."

„If not, I'll sent Leandro and his scissors to trimm something at the rap god!" We laughed even more and internally I hoped that the scissors could stay here.

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