Chapter six

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Dinner was great. We'd eaten together and had talked about all kinds of stuff. It was nice to see that Whitney's mood had lightened up and she was talking normally, but now Marshall's behavior bothered me a little.

This is one weird family...

Sure he talked and interacted with us, but almost the whole time he watched me with a look that slightly creeped me out.

Sit had asked Marshall if he had time to talk to her and while I hid my smile about her actions, I offered to clean up.
So I carried the cutlery into the kitchen, filled the dishwasher and cleaned the counters. After I was done I sat down in the living room on the ground and leaned with my back against a couch and watched some tv.

It took 3 hours and then a smiling Whitney ran into the room and waived at me.
„Sleep well, Chris!"

„You too hun!" I smiled back at her and she was gone. I turned my eyes back at the tv to watch history channel, when minutes later Marshall strolled in and plopped down on the couch I was sitting in front of.

„I guess I owe ya!" He stated and I looked up at him and knitted my eyebrows in confusion.

„For what?"

„For talkin' to my daughter. Seems like she understood a lil."

„You owe me nothing. I'm glad if I could help!" I stated with a smile and when he didn't say anything more, I looked back at the tv. For a while we sat in silence and then Marshall surprised me with a question.

„You have someone in Cali?"


„No!" I shook my head, turned halfway around and looked at him. „Men can't accept the job I'm doing and to be honest, I don't want this love thing."

„Why not? Got burned?" He asked curiously and I nodded.

„Years ago, yes. Since then I'm better off alone."

„What happened? I mean, you don't have to tell me..."

„He cheated and excused it with me never being at home and my job." I answered and Marshall nodded.

„So no love for the hooker?"

„Same as for the rap god!" I shot back with a smirk and he chuckled and nodded.

„Looks like we're both messed up in this department, huh?!"

„Yup!" Again we fell quiet and I just wanted to turn around again when he talked on.

„You don't want someone to love you sometimes? I mean, someone you can trust, you know?!"

„Of course, but I gave up the thought that there's the one waiting somewhere for me. I guess I'm one of the people who's made to die alone." I chuckled and shrugged my shoulders, but Marshall only looked at me.

„Maybe your job is a no go, to get a man to make a move, you know?!" he suggested and I nodded.

„I know that!"

„So would ya quit?"

„If I'd ever fall for someone, which I highly doubt, then yes. I would quit!" I answered honestly and he nodded.

Again we fell quiet and I turned back to the tv when suddenly Marshall scooted over right behind me, placed his legs left and right to my body and his hands on my shoulders. He leaned forward and I got goosebumps all over my body when he talked into my ear while his breath tickled my neck.

Ooohhhh daaaaaaamn.......

„What would it take to get you to fall for someone?" I didn't turn and looked straight ahead when I answered him with a whisper.

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