Chapter thirty-eight

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For a few seconds we only looked at each other and then, when I was sure he had no intensions to do anything, I let the breath I'd held in escape and turned to walk away.

„I thought you stopped wit the bookings?!" Marshall said and I turned back around to look at him.

„Obviously I changed my mind." I said back calmly and he nodded and kissed his teeth.

„Should've done that, bout other things too."

„Marshall..." I sighed when I'd instantly realized that he was referring to the abortion.

„Nah, it's all good!" Now he pushed himself off the wall to take one step in my direction, which made my breath hitch in my throat. „Not bein' pregnant suits ya."

„I'll take that as a compliment!" I stated dryly, although I knew it had been another subliminal hit.

„So you're obviously back to whoring around, already made sure to get ya bonus?" He went on and I pushed down the sudden urge to slap him.

I understood in some way that he couldn't accept my decision and therefore was still angry with me, but he definitely didn't have the right to insult me. And so I only shook my head before I turned to walk away.

„What? No smart comeback?!" He pushed it and while I turned back around to glare him down and definitely serve it to him, I heard Dre call out for Marshall.

„Yo, Em. Stop flirting!"

I wouldn't call this flirting, dude!

„Ohhh, man...." Royce. „These 2 were much further than that."


I swirled halfway around to glare at Royce, but the 2 men had already arrived at my side.

„What ya talkin' bout?" Dre asked confused but definitely curious and while Marshall shook his head and scoffed, Royce ignored him and answered.

„She's his ex, man!"

Lord, take me now!!

„Hold up...." Dre laughed out once and looked from me to Marshall with furrowed eyebrows. „She's the hooker? The one who had the abortion?"

Instantly I turned my head and glared my ex down. I was furious!

„This must be a joke!" I stated aggravated. „Why didn't you just print it in the newspaper?"

I should kill him!!!

„Cause maybe I'll write a song bout it!" Marshall fired back and I stood straight to my full height, squinted my eyes and smirked sarcastically while I glared at him.

„Do it! I dare you, but you better be prepared for my reaction then!"

With that I honestly was satisfied when I'd seen his jaw drop and took the first two steps to walk away, but was halted by Dre whistling once.

„Damn... the hooker has balls..."

„No, the hooker has much more powerful friends than you 3 are!" I cutted him off sternly. „Weston is at the bottom of my food chain, so you can imagine the top!"

Now I really walked away from the men and almost bumped into Weston who had observed the ridiculous conversation from the end of the hallway.

Awesome....... NOT!!!!

„Christina, are you okay?" He asked compassionately and I had to do everything to not throw myself into his arms and cry like there's no tomorrow.

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