Chapter twenty-three

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The next morning Marshall's alarm woke us up and while I rolled over and huffed out, he patted around on his nightstand to switch it off. We hadn't slept that much, total amount was about 2 hours or so, but I definitely wouldn't complain.

„You awake?" Marshall asked with his raspy morning voice while he rolled over and sneaked his arm around me, to pull me against his chest.


„You wanna get up?" He asked on after he'd cleared his throat and pressed himself even more against my back.

Feeling his boner being pressed against my ass wasn't really the best thing to convince me to get up and I started grinding against him.

„Babe, I gotta go to work..." he sighed out before he placed light kisses from my shoulder up to my neck and I let my hand glide over his hip and upper thigh.

„Then go."

I'd just finished the last word when he tightened his grip around me and rolled me on my back. Instantly he crawled on top of me while I smirked at him and he kissed me.

„The fuck I'll do, I've twenty more minutes..."

„That's not really promising!" I teased and he smirked.

„It'll be enough to make you scream..."

Oh I know it is.....

45 minutes later, I was pulling on my sweater after a shower while Marshall came strolling out of his walk in closet completely dressed.

„You gonna check out of that hotel later?" He asked and I nodded. „Good, what else you gone do today?"

„I thought I'd go to the studio with you?" I asked back irritated and an uncomfortable expression appeared on his face.

„You really want to? I mean, I thought you might wanna check out, get your stuff over and shit."

Something is wrong here.....

He started to walk out and so I followed him and talked on.

„Well, first I need to get a rental car to drive around and to be honest, the check out won't take long. So I thought we could do that later together."

„You can have one of my cars." He offered instantly and I furrowed my eyebrows behind his back.

„Marshall, we can still decide this later, don't you think?!"

„Yeah...." he mumbled and by now I was sure that he was hiding something.

But much too fast I was distracted from Martha who almost shrieked when she saw me.

„Sweetie......" I smiled while she pulled me in a quick hug, „I thought I'd see you in 2 weeks."

„Well, someone made me come back earlier." I said while nodding my head at Marshall and she walked past him and patted his shoulder.

„Good job, son!"

He chuckled while we sat down at the kitchen isle and Martha instantly placed a cup of coffee in front of me.

„Darling, how long you gonna stay now?" She went on while placing Marshall's breakfast in front of him and before I could answer, he did.

„Chris, will move in here!"


I turned my head to look at him confused, but he just shoved a piece of waffle into his mouth.

„Oh my god, this is just wonderful..." Martha said cheerfully, but I could only stare at Marshall. „You two are so beautiful together..."

The hell is he doing???????

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