Chapter fourteen

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I'd stayed every available minute with Nai for the past 4 days and only went to my hotel room to sleep and change. She was doing better each day and so they'd decided to release her today to go home. I can't tell how relieved I'd been that she was doing okay, but I gave her a long speech and begged her to finally stay away from Louis.

This guy only causes her trouble!

Louis was a multi millionaire who had booked Nai 5 years ago and since then she was kind of hung up on him. Don't get me wrong, Naina definitely didn't want a relationship with him, he was, what I call a relationship- fuck up, but she excused it with the amazing sex and so I'd tried to accept it.

I was at her hospital room again and packed her stuff, while she sat on the bed and watched me. The past days we'd talked a lot, not only about her, but also about me and Marshall. I can't deny that I missed him, but I had to concentrate on my best friend and so we only messaged a few times. Nai, understood my concerns about my feelings and how my life would turn, but she advised me to take a risk. She knew better than anyone how hard it was for me to let someone in and how scared I was that he would break my heart.

„You told him that you'll be back later?" She asked and I glanced at her and sighed unnerved.

„Nai, I told you I won't let you fly home on your own. I'll come with..."

„The hell you will, Chris!" She cutted me off sternly. „You'll fly to Detroit and spend the last days with him before you've to go to Dallas."

„Can we please stop discussing this? I told you how it's gone be, get used to it!"

„Okay!" She sighed before she slowly stood up. „I'll go to the bathroom quick." I nodded and turned my attention back at her clothes so we could get out of here.

10 minutes later she walked back out, stopped in front of me and handed me; much to my surprise and slight shock, my cellphone.

„Your flight to Detroit leaves in 4 hours and the rap god will send someone to pick you up!" She informed me and my jaw dropped.

„You did not...."

„Sure as hell I did!" She cutted me off. „I booked your ticket and messaged him. I won't let you use me as an excuse to back out, because we both know that's the reason you're so stubborn about going home with me. So, I'd recommend you pack a little faster, that at least we can drink a coffee together after we've picked up your stuff at the hotel."

„Nai..." I sighed and she pulled me in a hug.

„He seemed happy that you're coming back, Chris. Stop being afraid, okay?!" I nodded and pressed a kiss on her cheek.

What would I do without her??

7 hours later, I'd checked out of the hotel in NY, drove with Naina to JFK, drank a coffee with her and said ‚goodbye' before I got into the plane to Detroit. I was nervous when I stepped out of the arrival hall, but more the good kind of nervous. For the first time since years I felt butterflies in my stomach which only became worse when I'd spotted Pissy and finally sat in the backseat of the car to drive to Marshall's house.

It was Wednesday evening so he was definitely at home by now and since it was after 7 pm he already would've eaten too.

„Sweetie, welcome back!" Martha greeted me with a wide smile when she'd opened the front door for me and I smiled also.

„It's good to be back, Martha."

„Come on, come in and tell me how your friend is doing. Is she okay?"

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