Chapter twenty-nine

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Kim had only stayed for a few more minutes, much to my surprise she'd apologized to me for the drama and then left to go home. I couldn't say I wasn't still a little shaken from earlier, but more about my own thoughts than from the drama itself. I'd always thought I was a strong woman which could easily overcome little bumps in the road to get to her goal, but now? Now I realized that the second my heart was involved, I became a weak little girl which wanted to run and hide when things became difficult.

Ugh..... damn feelings!!!

„Chris, ready to go?" Hailie snapped me out of staring a hole into my coffee cup and I raised my head to see all of them looking irritated at me.

Smile, stupid!!!

„Sure, let's set my credit card on fire." I said as cheerful as possible and the girls nodded and grabbed their things to walk out while I got off the barstool to follow them, but Marshall held me back by my arm.

„You okay?"

„Yes, sure." I smiled to not worry him, but he didn't buy it.

„Chris, if you don't wanna go..."

„Oh stop it! It'll be fun and I told you I'm good!" I cutted him off and he shook his head.

„Don't you tryna fool me. I can see somethings wrong. So tell me."

„Marshall, I'm just being my usual overthinking self, okay?! I promise you, I'm good."

I smiled a little wider to underline my statement, but judging from his look he didn't believe me at all. Still he decided to not continue the conversation and instead kissed me quickly.

„Have fun."

„Will do!" I smiled back at him, grabbed my handbag and walked out to the girls which were waiting for me in Hailie's car.

Let's hope we'll have a nice day.....

30 minutes later we'd arrived at the mall, parked the car and walked inside. During the car ride, we'd babbled about clothes, shoes, makeup, girls stuff and I was glad the girls hadn't mentioned the encounter with their mother. It seems as if they'd been determined that we'd have a good time and so far it went pretty good.

„Ready?" Both girls asked in unison when we'd stepped through the glass doors and I looked from one to the other and shook my head.

„Come on, Chris, it'll be fun!" Alaina tried to convince me while wiggling her eyebrows and I sighed out.

„Don't you forget my medal later."

„We won't and I already know where we get on." With that said we walked off and straight into the first store.

8 long,feet and arm hurting and definitely funny, hours later we arrived back at Marshall's house and instantly unloaded all our shopping bags. On the way back we'd also decided to get pizza and all we wanted to do now was sitting down and lay our feet up.

„Has dad mentioned anything about visitors?" Hailie asked me while I tried to balance the pizza boxes in my fully loaded arms and I looked in the direction she was nodding at. A car was parked right beside Alaina's and I shook my head.

„Not to me. Laney?"

„I haven't talked to him." She answered while throwing a bag over her shoulders and after we'd managed to close the trunk, we walked to the front door and stopped.

„I don't have a hand free!" Hailie mumbled and I looked at her and started laughing. Her arms had been filled with bags and to carry the last one, she stuffed the loop into her mouth.

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