Expect the unexpected

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Chapter 1

I woke up to the sound of my mom knocking on the door and saying "Wake Up Vivi you only have 30 minutes to get ready"

I couldn't believe it was already the day we leave to move to California. When I got the news we would be moving two months ago. I was not happy. I even made a fit. Telling my parents I was not going and they couldn't make me. But ofcouse I didn't win. I get out of bed and decide to take a quick shower.

I hurry up and do my hair and apply a little bit of mascara on. I grab my favorite pair of jeans and a cheetah print tank top. I will miss this house so much there are so many memories here. When I said my first word , took my first step, the pool parties I would have every year for my birthday to even the fights I would have with my parents.

"VIVI HURRY UP" my dad yells.

I run downstairs to find my two best friends Ricky and Alexa. We had spent all day yesterday and I was surprised to see them come say bye to me again this morning.

Next thing I know I'm bursting into tears. "We're going to miss you so much" Alexa said. How would I finish my last two years of high school with out my bestfriends. Would I make new friends? No one could possibly be any better than Ricky and Alexa. "I'm going to miss you guys so much you have no idea" I said.

"Okay Vivi it's time to leave". My mom said

I give Ricky and Alexa a huge hug and jump into the Suv.

Bye bye Florida...


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