Chapter 4

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Today is Saturday which means I only have two days till I start school. I'm so not looking forward to it. New School, New People,  & New rules to follow. I'm so nervous. Will I have classes with that bitch Melissa? I really hope I don't.  Hopefully I have some with Jc. Since he is the only person I know so far. 

I hear a knock on my door

"Vivianna can I come in" Said my mom


"Hey  get ready Mr & Mrs Walters invited us over for dinner"

"I'm not going"

"You are going Vivi"

"Buuu" before I could finish my mom interrupted.

"No buts your going so be ready in 30 minutes"

"Ugh fine"

I put on a T-shirt and some skinny jeans. We are only going across the street. No need to get all dolled up.

I walk down stairs and see my mom holding a container full of Brownies. 

"Did you make sure you didn't burn them this time?" I said

"Yes" She giggles

My mom rings the doorbell and we wait to be greeted.

"Hey I'm glad you guys could make it" Said Mrs. Walters

"Thank you for inviting us Karen" Said my mom

We all sit down in the living room.

"Hi I am Jenn nice to meet you guys"

" Hey nice to meet you to." My mom said

"Jenn take Vivi up to your room so you guys get to know each other dinner will be ready in a few" Said Karen

Jenn shows me the way. There are pictures all over the walls.  From different times in there life. From Mr. & Mrs. Walters wedding picture. To the picture of Jenns sweet 16!

"Nice room" I said

"Thank you I recently just put these lights by my bed I love them"

"I have the same in my room"

" Really that's cool. So how do you like the bay?"

"So far I hate it"

"You can't be serious"! Jenn says

"Well I am. I dislike it. Like a lot.  I've only been here for five days but from what I have seen so far I know i will never like Cali"

"You'll get use to it. So what grade are you in? We will be going to the same school so hopefully we will have classes together" Jenn said

"11th grade. You?"

"So am I. If you want you could ride with me to school. I can give you a tour around campus so you won't be too lost" She giggles.

"Okay yeah thanks I would really appreciate that" I said

Jenn, Vivi come down for dinner. Karen shouts from downstairs.

"We better get going before they eat all the Lasagna haha" Said Jenn.

We walk down stairs and eat dinner. I will admit the lasagna was delicious and the Walters are extremely nice.  I surprisingly had a good time.

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