Chapter 30

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I wake up to four missed calls. Three from Jc and one from Kalin.  I fell asleep last night forgetting to text Jc back. I feel awful. I can't believe I cheated on Jc. How could I do that to him. I have to end our relationship soon. I wish I could talk to someone about what's going on. My mom's at work and I don't really have any friends here besides Gabbi. I can't tell her what's happening between me and Kalin. Atleast not right now. ALEXA!! Why didn't I think of her. I take a quick shower and Skype Alexa.

"Looking good bae." Alexa said appearing on the screen.

"Thank ya. You look good yourself."

"So what's up?" Alexa asks.

"I just miss you. I don't really have any friends I can talk to here. How's Ricky? He doesn't text me as much as he use to."

"He's great i would say." She blushes while saying."

"Am i missing something?"

"Okay. Promise me you won't tell Ricky.  He wanted it to be a secret. But i can't hold it in anymore."

"Alexa Oh my gosh tell me. I promise I won't say anything."

"Ricky and I Uhhh we're umm together.  She said stumbling on her words.

"WHATTT??? Like together together? Boyfriend and Girlfriend?"

"Yes!!" She said with a huge smile on her face.

"Oh my gosh since when? I'm so happy for you guys. I knew you were perfect for eachother."

"It's been about two weeks. I've always had feelings for him. And it's the best feeling to know he loves me just as much as i love him.  He makes me so happy Vivi."

" I wish I could hug you right now. I really am so happy for you guys. I wish you guys the best. I'm so happy my bestfriends are happy!!"

"Thank you bb. How are you and Jc?"

"I don't love him Alexa."

"You don't?  I thought you were really into him?"

"I thought I was. He's a great guy. But i just don't feel the way he does. I uhh I cheated on him." Tears slip out from my eyes.

" You cheated on him? What? With who?"

" With Kalin. We kissed."

"Isn't that the guy you said wouldn't leave you alone?"

"Yeah.  But i fell in love with him. I don't know how i did. I just did."

"Vivi I don't know what to say. Are you sure he's being real with you? And is not just messing with you."

"I'm sure Alexa. At first I thought he was just trying to have sex with me. But thats definitely not the case. He's told me multiple times he loves me and I believe him. I know he's telling the truth.He even broke up with his girlfriend for me."

"Just be careful Vivi.  I don't want you to get hurt. You need to end things with Jc. It's not right that your betraying him like that. He deserves the truth."

"I know i have to end things soon. I feel awful about what I'm doing."

"Doing?You mean like you and Kalin are seeing each other behind his back? It wasn't just a one time thing."

"We kissed a couple times. And we've been texting each other. I love him Alexa I can't stay away from him."

"Wow Vivi.  How can you being this. It's not like you. It's no fair to Jc."

" I don't want to do this to Jc. But i can't stay away from Kalin. He's the love of my life. And we've been through hell for us to be together. I'm not going to ruin it again. I plan on ending things with Jc when he comes back."

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