Chapter 36

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I wake up to the vibration of my phone under my pillow... I have 4 missed calls and 2 text messages.  None from Jc. And don't even ask how many twitter notifcations I have. The calls and text are from my mom.

"Vivi come home right now!!!!"

"Answer my calls. I need to talk to you. I know you're not at the beach." I read my text messages and placed my phone on the dresser.

Fuck my parents know. Great! Could things get any worse.

I give Kalin a soft kiss on the cheek. He looks so peaceful sleeping i don't want to wake him up. I get out of bed and walk over to the restroom to take a shower...


I hear the shower running. I don't feel Vivi by my side. She must be taking a shower. It's only 6:45 wow she's up early. I guess she's ready to go back home. Last night was crazy. I get out of bed and walk to the kitchen.  I don't know how long Vivi has been in the shower so I'm going to make her a quick breakfest. I get Waffles from the freezer and a couple of sausages from the fridge. I put the waffles in the toaster and cook the sausages real quick on the stove.  I get two plates and put two waffles some fresh strawberries and two sausages on each plate. Then I pour some fruit punch minute maid in two glasses. I set them on the tray and walk back to my room...


I get out the shower and Kalin is not sleeping on his bed anymore. I wonder where he went. I grab my phone and get on twitter and scroll down my timeline. I see all these hate tweets one after another.

"You're such a whore.

"I hope you die."

"I knew you weren't good for Jc."

"I'm glad Jc found out what a whore you are"

"Dumb bitch. How many guys have you fucked? Mmm you probably don't even know. You fucking thot.

All these comments hurt. But i deserve every bit of it.

"Karma is a a bitch.  You got what you deserved" Jenn tweeted 40 mins ago.

She is clearly talking about me. I type on Jc's username and I'm taken to his profile.

" I can never be happy." Jc tweeted last night.

A tear slips out from my eye... I wipe it away and then Kalin walks in the room with a tray.

"Breakfest in bed for my queen." Kalin said walking over to me and placing a plate on my lap.

He made me breakfast how sweet. It looks delicious!

"Nutella or Syrup?" Kalin asked.

"Mmhm both."

We talk and finish our breakfest...

"I'm going to take a quick shower then we can get going." Kalin said kissing me on the cheek then walks into his bathroom. 

10 minutes later... Kalin walks out dressed looking good like always.

"Are you ready? Do you need to borrow something?  I'm sure Bean will let you!" Kalin asked.

"I'm fine. I'll just wear what I wore yesterday."

"Okay I'm going to tell Myles we are leaving. You should let Gabbi know." Kalin said.

I walk out of the room and over to the living room. Myles is sleeping on one couch and Tyler is on the other. Ruben is sleeping on an air mattress on the floor along with some girl. I guess Ronnie and Gabbi are sleeping in the guest room. I knock on the door. And Gabbi opens it seconds later half asleep!

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