Chapter 8

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Kalins Pov-

Another year with Mrs.Rhodes. I'm looking forward to my last year in this class. Mrs.Rhodes comes across being bitchy. But she has help me out a lot. And I appreciate everything she has done and taught me. I make it to class seconds before the bell rings.

"Mr.White well well well. Look who is on time. Said Mrs.Rhodes.

"You know i can't be late to my favorite class."

" More like you don't want dentention."

"You know me so well."

Okay class take your seat. I will take roll.









"No miss Gomez."

Mrs.Rhodes finishes taking roll.

"Well looks like we are only missing Ms.Gomez". Mrs.Rhodes said.

"Let's get started"

All of a sudden i hear someone trying to open the door. Maybe it's that Gomez girl. Seems like the person is having trouble maybe i should go open the door. Right when i am about to get up to open the door.  Someone comes through the door.  And almost falls down.

Holy fuck. It's her. It's the girl from the mall. The girl i was hoping I'd have a class with.  Wow she looks even more beautiful then when i seen her the other day. She is absolutely gorgeous.  She says something.  But i wasn't paying attention. I couldn't stop staring at her. She is stunning. Her hair is down and  straight this time. She is wearing a Floral print tank top jersey that has the number 23 on it. With light colored skinny jeans, and white Nike high tops. I will admit her outfit is fresh.

"Ms. Gomez you finally decided to show up" Mrs.Rhodes says.

"I know I'm so sorry. I got lost"  She says

" You are 8 minutes late.  This is not Disney Land."

The whole clsss laughs. Mrs.Rhodes is giving her a hard time. And I'm not liking were this is going.

" I am well aware of that. Cut me some slack it's the first day if school. And my first day ever at this school. I'm pretty sure if you were in my position.  You'd be in the same situation as me." She says with an attitude.

Did she really just talk back to Mrs.Rhodes?. This girl is wild. She don't put up with nothing I see. She is fisty. Which makes her even more attractive


"It's Vivianna"

Her name is Vivianna what a beautiful name for a beautiful girl.

"Okay Vivianna. Let's get something straight I am your teacher and I will not tolerate your attitude.  Like you said it's only the first day of school. But I will still give you a dentention for you talking back to me. I do not just teach my students how to sing. But I also teach them to be professional.  And you are far from it right now. Say you are at a Record label audition and they told you what I just told you. Would you argue back? No. You will just say sorry. Whether you agree or not. And if you do not understand my rules then I'm sure Mr.Martinez can find you another class to be put in."

"Um okay I'm sorry." Vivi says with an attitude.

"Please take a seat Vivianna."Mrs.Rhodes says.

There is only one available seat. And it's right behind me. She has her head held down the whole time while she walks over to her chair. Mrs.Rhodes was way to bitchy too her.  

"There are 5 minutes left of class. You can talk amongst eachother.  But do not get loud. Use your inside voices or you will get detention. "Says Mrs.Rhodes

This is my chance to talk to her. I turn around and say "Hi"

She is grabbing something from her bookbag.

"Um hi." She says

"Don't let Mrs.Rhodes get to you. She will lighten up. This will be my 4th year having her as a teacher. She tends to be a little bitchy sometimes. You know when she doesn't get the D." I say with a smile on my face

"Haha well someone needs to give her some. Asap"

"Amen. I'm kalin by the way."


"Hey you are the girl from the mall right? Who Melissa bumped into?

"Yeah that's me."

"Thought so. Well I give you props for defending yourself. Not many people would. They rather ignore Melissa than to get on her bad side. But at least now everyone knows not to mess with you."

"Great people probably think I am some type of chola. Who they shouldn't mess with."  She says sounding frustrated.

"No. Not at all people don't think that.  They just know that you won't put up with there bullshit. Which makes you less of a target for the drama making girls here. Aka Melissa and her clique."

She looks mad. I shouldn't have talked about Melissa. Fuck.  Way to go Kalin.  I'm so stupid. 

"DING" The bell rings.

I got to hurry up and meet up with Melissa for lunch.

"Bye see you around" I say.

Something about Vivi is special.  I wish the conversation never ended. She is different and I like that about her.

"Hey babe." Melissa says

"Hey." I say and give her a kiss on the cheek.

" Let's hurry up and get to lunch I am freaking starving."

We get to the cafeteria and I see almost everyone already at the table.  The same people sit at the table like every year. No one ever seems to try to take our table. Let alone there be any new people who sit with us. We grab our lunch and walk to the table and sit down.

"Hey we going to practice after school right?" Myles tells me.

"Yeah."  I say


"Ew this pizza is gross.  Look how greasy it is. They are trying to get me fat. You know what be right back I can't eat this. I'm going to get me a salad."  Melissa says

Melissa always seems to find something wrong. She is always complaining and it gets very annoying.

"I see Ronnie and Gabbi walking to our table. And Vivi is following right behind.  Is she going to sit here?

What the hell. She is. She sits down right in front of me. Wow this is shocking. No one out of our group ever sits here.  Vivi looks really uncomfortable.  I can't help but smile at her. I probably look like an idiot but I can't help it. She is so gorgeous.  Fuck!!! Melissa.  Oh shit this is not good. She is going to be pissed when she comes back and sees Vivi is sitting here. Next thing I know Melissa sits down right beside me and sees Vivi.

"What the hell. Why the fuck are you sitting here?". Melissa yells at Vivi.

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