Chapter 14

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I wake up to a text from Jenn.

"I'm running late pick you up at 6:45"

"Okay I'll be ready." I respond back.

It's only 5:50 and I'm already ready. I guess I'll go downstairs and eat some breakfest.  I make myself two pancakes and some sausages. 

"Good morning." My mom says


"Your dad already left for work. " She says

"Okay. Will he be working late tonight?"

"Yes every Monday, Wednesday, Fridays and every once in awhile on the weekends."

"That sucks. So how was your interview yesterday? " I ask

"Well I got the job I start next Monday. I'll be working four times a week. From 2 pm to 12 am ! " She says while pouring some coffee in her mug.

Uh looks like I'm going to have to get use to being home alone in such a huge house. 

"That's great. But your hours suck." I say

"I know. But at least I got a job."

"Yeah well I'm going to wait outside for Jenn to get here. Bye have a good day" I say and walk outside.

I sit down on the porch swing we have. I check twitter and see that i have 1 new notification. 

-Kalin White followed you. -

Great just what I needed. Why did he follow me after I told him I don't like him! What doesn't he get to leave me alone.

I hear a car sound. I look up and it's Jenn.  I'm not going to follow him back. Doesn't look like he needs anymore followers anyways. He has over 10k. How the heck does he have so many.

"Hey Jenn. " I say while opening the car door.

She just smiles at me. She doesn't say a word to me the whole way to school.  I wonder if somethings wrong with her.

"Hey Vivi." Jc says while hugging me


I look around to see Jenn, Andrew,  and Andrea left. 

"Where'd everyone go? " I ask

"Uh in not sure they just left."

"So how was the rest of your day yesterday?" He asks

"Other than having to wait 45 minutes for my mom to pick me up after school. Good " I say

"I would have tooken you home. You should have asked me."

"Jenn said you wouldn't be able to because you had to work right after school." I say

"WHAT? No I didn't. Yesterday was my day off." He says sounding confused.

" Oh I didn't know."

"Why the hell would she tell you that. Next time text me if you need a ride." He says and smiles.

"Okay I will." 

Why would Jenn lie to me?  She's been acting real weird lately.

"DING" The bell rings.

"Mind if I walk you to class?" Jc asks

" Of course not. I'd love you to"

"You look beautiful." He says

"Thank you. You look quite beautiful yourself." I say

"Oh I look beautiful" He says and laughs

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