Chapter 37

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"JC STOP!!!" I shout blocking him from hitting Kalin again.

"Move Vivi get out the way. He needs to get what he deserves." Jc said pushing me out the way. Getting on top of Kalin and punches him multiple times. Why do you keep taking away what's mine." Jc shouts

My dad rushes over and pulls Jc off of Kalin. I lean down to comfort Kalin.  I've never seen this side of Jc before. So angry and violent. 

"Babe are you okay? ." I say and a few tears slips from my eyes.

"I'm fine." Kalin said wiping away the blood from his busted lip.

"Jc if you're going to act like a manic. You're going to have to leave my house." My dad told jc.

" How do you expect me to act. I came here to talk to my girlfriend.  And i get here to find the guy that took her away from me is here.  How do you want me to act like? You want me to act like I'm fine. No I'm not. I'm far from it." Jc breaks down into tears.

" Jc I am so sorry." I say walking over to him.

"Can we.... talk in private." Jc asked.


I grab Jc's hand and we walk up to my bedroom. I walk in and Jc shuts the door.

"Why? Why him? How long have you been cheating on me? Fuck how could I be so stupid and not noticed you were fooling me this whole time." Jc said.

"Jc I'm so sorry. I didn't want you to find out like this. I wanted to tell you but i couldn't get the courage to. It all started about two months ago. Kalin kissed me at Ronnies party. He moved because i told him I didn't want anything with him.  I was in denial of how i felt for him. But then he come back for thanksgiving and we spent the day together and I finally confessed how i felt. I couldn't hide my feelings anymore.  I tried jc to deny and get over the feelings i had for him. But they just kept growing and growing. I didn't want any of this to happen believe me. I just fell in love with him. I really am so sorry I mean it. Please forgive me."

" What's so great about him? That's what I don't understand. Am I that bad of a person no one loves me."

"You're an amazing guy Jc. Don't ever doubt that. I love you I do. But it's not the love you want. You're my best friend and I don't want to lose you!  I don't know what it was but it just happened. I'm so sorry I mean it. I never wanted to hurt you. You're the most amazing sweetest guy I have met. And i hate myself for what I did to you."

" How could you do this to me? I opened up to you. I allowed myself to love someone again. I thought you were different but I was wrong.  You're nothing but a slut. Jenn was right.!

"Excuse you! I'm not a slut I'm far from it. You don't know anything so don't call me a slut.  Where's the old Jc at? And Jenn? what about her?"

"Then what are you? You cheated on me with some guy who is just trying to get into your pants or wait did he already get in them?"

I slap Jc across the face. Jc rubs his cheek then laughs.

"No he hasn't and he's not going to anytime soon. So you and everyone else can stop telling me that's all he wants."

"He'll never love you as much as i do. So don't come running back to me when he hurts you.  Because I won't be there for you. I have no respect for you. I really thought you were the one. I thought I could finally be happy. But once again Kalin took that away from me. You know what you two be happy together.  You guys truly were meant for one another. Oh and the old Jc is gone. You destroyed him." Jc said and walks out my room slamming the door.

I know what I did to Jc was wrong but I didn't expect him to be so rude and hateful! I deserve everything but Jc was the last person I ever thought would call me a slut despite everything I did to him. I thought he'd be more excepting of my apology. He's right I destroyed the sweet funny Jc and I won't ever forgive myself for that! Why did Jc keep saying Kalin took away what was his again?

HEY GUYS SO THIS WAS KIND OF A FILL IN CHAPTER! I finally had free time to write!I hope you like it. (: DONT FORGET TO VOTE AND COMMENT!!!!

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