Chapter 29

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"I love you."  Vivi said staring into my eyes.

What? Did she just... Did the person I love just tell me she loves me back. I am speechless.

"Kalin. I mean it. I love you." A tear rolls down her cheek.

"Buuu... But I thought you hated me."

"I never hated you. I was scared. I didn't want to fall for you. That's why I wanted you to stay away from me. Because everything about you drawed me into you. Your voice, Eyes, smile even just your presence. I judged you wrong. I thought you were just a man whore and you wanted me to be your next victim. But then every time I seen you. You proved me wrong. It was too late when I realized you weren't who i thought you were. I said all those hateful things because I was selfish. I was only thinking about  myself. And no one else. I didn't think about your feelings. Or even Jc's. I keep leading Jc on and I hate that i am. I feel horrible. Because I don't love him. And i can't love him.... I'm sorry Kalin.  I'm so sorry I put you through this. I never wanted to hurt you. It's been hard for me too. You left me when i was going to give up everything for you."

I feel like a little kid who was just told they are going to Disney Land. I'm on cloud nine. You have no idea how much I have dreamt of this moment. It's the best feeling to be loved back from the person who completely owns your heart. I love her. And I just want her to be mine.

I lock my fingers into her right hand. I place the other on her cheek. I close my eyes and lean in for our lips to collide. It's slow and passionate. I've waited too damn long for this. The whole world has disappeared.  It's just me and Vivi. Getting lost within ourselves. I pull away and give her a soft kiss on her forehead.

"I love you Vivi. With all my heart. Don't feel sorry. You're here with me right now. And that's all that matters. "

She hugs me and whispers in my ear.  "I love you"

Who would have thought three words could mean so much.

"I thought you were in Florida?" I asked.

"We couldn't go. My mom couldn't get vacation."

"I'm so glad you didn't go. Or this would have never happend."  I smile and say

"I love your smile." Vivi shyly tells me.

"Too bad yours is way better."

"Never. " She giggles.

" I guess. But you out beat me in every other way."

"Kalin babe have you not seen your eye balls?"

I never liked being called babe. But Vivi saying it. It's different.  It feels right.

" My eyes are ugly."

" You know damn right you're lying. They're beautiful."

"You're beautiful."

Vivi blushes and kisses me on the cheek. We stare at eachother and just smile like idiots.

"Kalin. Vivi. Time for dessert." Starlah shouts from the screen door.

" Come on. I want you to try what I made."

"What did you make?"

"Oreo truffles."

"Sounds yummy."

"Yummy?" She giggles.

"Yes. Yummy for my tummy."

"You're silly." She says while sticking her tongue at me.

"But you love me." I say while wrapping ny arms around her waist and pulling her close to me.

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