Chapter 2

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Approximately 43 long hours later we arrive in San Francisco.  The drive here felt like it took 2 years to get here. I'm absolutely exhausted. "So what do you think so far Vivi" my dad said.  I don't like it. It's way to hot and the traffic here is horrible. Lies who was I kidding California was beautiful. But it will never be home. "You'll get use to it"  Dad said. "I highly doubt that" I mumbled.

We pull up to our new house. Wow its nicer than I thought it would be. Way nicer than our old house.  We live in the Inner Sunset of San Francisco.  A very nice area.  "Did you really have to buy a 4 bedroom home with a swimming pool, movie room, and a basketball court?"I asked my parents. "Why not? It was in our budget and it was exactly how I have dreamt of my dream house." My mom said with a bright smile on her face.  Well I dislike this house it's way to big and fancy for my liking. Why couldn't you have bought a 2 bed room house. It would feel a lot more like home to me.I know I'm giving my parents hell but I can't help it my attitude has been wack ever since I found out I would be leaving everything I had in Florida.  I have been feeling angry towards them. I had a wonderful life back home. And now I would have to restart my life. You know how hard that is now a days. People are cruel and I have no idea what to expect.  All thanks to my parents.  

'Vivianna please we just got here and I do not feel like getting in an argument with you go upstairs and choose the room you would like. " My mom said.

Fine. I walk upstairs to see a living room that will be the movie room. I look around and see that there are three rooms to the right and one to the left. I walk into the first room on the right. It's fairly big but I don't know something about it I do not like. I walk down to the next door and I opened it. Wow this room is beautiful. It's big, has a  restroom ,the closet is double the size of my old one. But the thing that caught my eye was the balcony.  I walk out and I could see the whole area. I think this is the one.  I don't bother to look at the other room because I knew it couldn't possibly be better than this one. I run down stairs to find my dad already taking boxes out of the moving truck.

Finally after about 3 hours we finish unpacking. I'm so tired and starving. We sit down at the dinner table and start eating the pizza my dad ordered. It's so freaking good. The best I have ever eaten. Or maybe I was just so hungry it tastes so delicious.  "Do you like your room Vivi? " Said my dad.

Eh it's straight I guess. Not better than my old one. I get up and put my plate in the sink. Goodnight I'm exhausted. " Goodnight bebe don't forgot we are going to go school shopping for you tomorrow My mom said" Great can't wait. I say sarcasticly.

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