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"Wow you look hot." Nikki said.

I'm wearing a peach floral bikini top with light high waisted shorts and a white cardigan.

"Thanks love. You look pretty good your self."  I complimented her back.

"You ready?" She asked.

I walk over to my dresser and grab my bag. "Yup."

We walk out to my car and drive to Miami beach.

"I really hope it's not going to be packed. " I said.

"Oh it is." Nikki giggled.

After a good 10 minutes trying to find a parking we finally did. The beach is over crowded with teenagers. But it's a beautiful sunny day. It's hot but not grossly steaming. The crystal blue beach looks even more appealing  today. I've never really liked the beach but today is an exception.

I put my sunglasses on and walk down to the beach. We instantly get stares from guys and I begin to feel uncomfortable. Thankfully we spot Jordan and the rest of Nikkis friends. 

"Hey guys." I greet them.

They smile and say hi back. One of the girls hands me a Pina Colada. And we talk a little . Even though its only 5:30 she's already a little tipsy. This whole partying and getting drunk is not my thing. I feel awkward. I don't know anyone besides Nikki and Jordan. None of them are paying attention to me. And i begin to regret even coming...Music starts playing from a distance. I look over and see a stage set up just ahead with a crowd surrounding it.

"Hey we should check it out?" I commented.

"We're okay here. You should check it out if you want. "She said

"Okay. You guys are going to stay here right?" I asked. I already feel out of place here. It would just make things worse if i leave and come back to find them gone

"Yeah. Well be right here when you come back." Jordan answered.

"Okay." I wave goodbye and walk over to the crowd.  Everyone is jumping and moving there hips to the beat of the music. The Dj is playing "Don't Tell Em."  I push my way through the crowd and stop in the middle. I start to move along with the music. Even though I'm not a party girl i love to dance.... I continued to dance with some random girl who was beside me through out the show. The sun sets and the beach is filled with candels and glow sticks. I decide to head back to Nikki and everyone else.  Hopefully they are still there.

I walk back toward the area they were at. Luckily they're still there.  "Look who finally came back." Nikki said.

"Yeah. You should have came with me. I had a blast. " I said grabbing a bottle of water.

"Next time. We were actually going to leave and meet up with some friends for dinner." She said.

"Okay sounds good to me I'm starving."  I said.

"See you guys at the restaurant in about an hour." She said. We gathered our belongings and headed back to my apartment.

We hurry and take a quick rinse and get ready. Since we are going to cheesecake factory I decided  to straighten my hair. I'm  wearing my Maroon crop top shirt with a Maroon high waisted skirt. I apply  mascara and eyeliner with dark maroon lipstick. Lastly I put on a black gemstone necklace with black ankel strap pumps.

"Are you ready Nikki?" I asked.

"Yeah." She said smacking her lips together after applying lip gloss.

"We can take my car this time." She offered.



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