Chapter 17

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~Skips to Saturday~

I wake up and take a quick shower before I go downstairs for breakfest. My mom made my favorite again Papas and huevos con chorizo.

"Well look who we got here. Little miss Vivi who thinks she is grown now just because she got a boyfriend. " My dad jokes.

" Dad no I don't.  And he is not my boyfriend. He's just a friend. " I say

" Yeah he better just be a friend." He says and smiles at me.

"For now he is just a friend." 

"What time is Kc picking you up? You don't need to be out too late " He asks

"Jc! It's Jc dad! And he said at 7.

"Kc? Jc? It's the same thing. And okay sounds good to me.

"It's definitely not the same thing." I giggle and walk over to put my plate in the dishwasher.

I walk back up to my room and go out to my balcony. I decide to Skype Alexa I haven't talked to her since Monday. 

" Finally you remember me." Alexa says

"Sorry I've been busy."

"It's cool I was just kidding. So how was the rest of your first week of school? " She asks

"Eh alright I guess. Melissa hasn't really bothered me. "


"So uh I guess you won." I say

"What do you mean I won?" She asks confused.

"I have a date with Jc tonight ." I say while smiling like an idiot.

"OMG. See I knew it. I'm always right. " She laughs.

"You're right 70% of the time." I joke.

"You really like Jc huh? " She ask.

"Yes. He's amazing Alexa. I wish you could meet him. He's so sweet and always makes me feel beautiful. He's just so fun and goofy. Every time we're together I have the best time. "

"Aw I'm so happy for you. He sounds like a great guy. I wish you guys the best. I'm so sorry. I have to go me and Ricky made plans to go to the movies."

"Thank you. And he is a great guy. It's okay. Tell Ricky I said hi. Bye whore. " I say

I grab my laptop and walk back into my room.  It's 2:15 already.  Dang it didn't seem like me and Alexa talked that long. My dad walks into my room.

"Want to watch a movie? Before you have to get ready? " He asks.

"What movie?"

"The Dark Night Rises." He says

"Sure." I get up and walk down stairs.

This is one of my favorite movies.  I've seen it like 20 times but it will never get old.

The movie is finally over and it's 5:30. I should start getting ready. I wall back up stairs and pick my outfit out. I go with a plain black sleeveless dress. I lay it on my bed right next to my red heels. I walk into my bathroom and start doing my hair. I curl my hair into loose curls. I put my dress on and apply some makeup on. I do the usual. Some foundation,  eyeliner and mascara.  And I apply red lipstick on. I grab my Red ruby necklace and put it on. I look into the mirror on last time before I walk down stairs. It's 6:40 Jc should be here soon.  I walk down stairs. My parents are still sitting on the couch. They hear the sound of my heel on the floor. And turn around.

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