Chapter 5

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It's the last day of summer. The summer went by way too fast. I should be looking forward to school like I always have, ever since I was a little girl. But instead I am dreading for tomorrow to come.

I go downstairs to find a note that my parents went out to get some groceries.  I grab the laptop from the table and open the screen door to sit by the pool. 

I login to my twitter account.  I'm scrolling down when I see Alexa tweeted 5 minutes ago.

"I miss my bestfriend Vivi please come back whore."

I tweet her back.

"I miss you to slut.  I wish I could come back."

I log out and decide to Skype her I've been so busy I hadn't had the time.

Alexa appears on the screen.

"What did you do to your hair?" I said

"I dyed it. Do you like it?"

"Ofcourse it's different the lighter brown looks really good on you"

"Thanks I love it too. So how is California"

" How i expected it to be. It sucks. I almost got into a fight with this bitch  Melissa at the mall"


" She bumped into me and she started yelling at me telling me to watch were I was going. And I told her that she was the one who bumped into me so she should watch were she is going. I was so pissed off Alexa. I wanted to swing on her so bad. But she had a couple friends with her and a guy who I'm guessing was her boyfriend"

"Same Ole Vivi always getting into trouble. You should have knocked that bitch out."


She giggles.

"I should have but I don't want to have any drama. I met a guy named Jc after and he told me she is was the popular girl at school. That no one stands up to. Tomorrow is the first day of school. And I pray to God I don't have any classes with her. Hopefully she is a senior and we didn't pick the same electives."

"Oh girl was Jc cute? Good thing you put her in her place."

" Actually he was very cute and nice"

"Oh snap look at you.  You already got a bae."

I laugh.

" No." Haha

"Whatever you say I will give you two weeks and you will already have a boyfriend."

"You're crazy. So how's Ricky? Tell him I miss him and that he needs to Skype me"

"Ricky is great. I will. I know he misses you like crazy. Well I have to go.  Don't forget to tell me how your first day of school was bye trick."

"I miss him too. Alright will do. Bye biotch."

I get up and head to the living room. 10 minutes later my parents get home.

"Hey Vivi do you want my left overs from Olive Garden." My mom said

"Left overs? You went to my favorite restaurant without me."

"Vivi it was 12:30 and you were sound asleep I didn't want to wake you up on the last day you could sleep in."

"Whatever you could have woken me up. What if I needed to go to the store."

"I'm sorry I didn't think about it. If you need to go I will take you."

" No I'm fine."

I hate having a very bitchy attitude.  I don't mean to be the way I am. I just can't help it. I spend the rest of the day in my room.

I walk out to my balcony. I lay down put my earphones in and look up at the stars. I have no idea what to expect tomorrow. What if all the girls are like Melissa.  Then I sure as hell will not like anyone. I will not put up with no bullshit. I've always been like that. I have gotten in a couple fights in junior high because I got bullied. I'm not perfect. I don't even think I'm pretty. People tell me I am beautiful.  I just don't see it.  I'm a very petite girl. I have gotten made fun of my height before I'm only 4"11 and I'm a thin girl. I'm curvy as well.  But I wouldn't consider myself to be a Victoria secret model. My biggest insecurity would be the space I have between my front teeth. This girl Rebekah would always make fun of me. Until one day I defending myself and fought her. I broke her nose and gave her a black eye. After that day no one bullied me anymore.  Once I got to high school I had quite a bit of friends. And I had the perfect life till I moved here. So far it's been horrible and I can only imagine what's to come.

I hear my phone beep and I see a text from Jenn.

"Hey Vivi.  Just want to remind you to be ready by 6:30. Goodnight see you tomorrow! "

"I will be ready Night" I texted her back.

Looks like I should go to bed it's already 10:35 and I will have to wake up at 5. Yay school tomorrow. So exicted. I said sarcasticly.

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