Chapter 23

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"Don't ever kiss me again. Stay the hell away from me Kalin. And I mean it this time. Just because you broke up with Melissa and supposedly wrote a song for me doesn't change anything between us. How many times do I have to tell you I do not like you and I never will. You just need to get over me. There are clearly many girls who want you . So why do you keep chasing me?" Vivi yells at me while I rub my cheek from the slap she gave me.

"Because out of all of the girls you're my one and only girl. There is no one that tops you Vivi. Every time I see you, you leave me breathless. I never knew someone could be so breath taking and perfect till you came into my life. You're flawless to me. You think I wanted to fall for you? You think I wanted to hurt Melissa? No Ofcourse not. I tried to stop my feelings for you. But it was too late. My feelings for you just kept growing and growing each and every day. I'm head over heels for you. Just give me a chance please." I say looking into Vivi's dark glossy brown eyes.

Vivi's lips part from eachother as if she was going to speak but her emotions over take her. I see tear after tear fall down her smooth rosey cheeks. I want to hug her but I know it will just make things worse.

"We can't be Kalin. I'm sorry. We just can't.  I have a boyfriend. And I love him. I love Jc and I will never be able to love you." Vivi said and runs downstairs and out the front door.

It feels like I was just stabbed in the heart. A flood of tears gush down my warm cheeks. "I love Jc and I will never be able to love you. " How can these words hurt me so much. I feel like a part of me is gone.  I can't see a life without her. I know she wants me to stay away from her. But i can not when I see her everyday. I need time . Time away from the person who means the world to me.


I can't take it no more. Why does it feel like my heart has been ripped out. I hurt Kalin. That's what hurts. Because I do care about him. I truly do. I seen him break into pieces right in front of me. My words were the cause of everything.  The cause of seeing the person I love shattered. I don't love Jc. I love Kalin. I can honestly say I love him. But why do I keep pushing him away?

"Vivi? " I hear Gabbi say my name walking towards me.

I hurry up and wipe away my tears.

"Why are you outside all alone sitting on the steps?" She asked in confusion

"I just needed some fresh air. " I reply

"Have you been crying? She asked.

"No. I'm just tired and I keep yawning." I lie

"Oh. Um if you want you can take my car and go to my house.  I'm going to be staying the night here. I've been drinking and I'm already light headed. I don't think it's a good idea for me to drive."

" Yeah. Thank you I'd appreciate it."  I say while she hands me her keys.

"See you tomorrow. Be safe. I'll be by my house around 12. Goodnight. " Gabbi says and walks back into the house.

I get to Gabbi's house and look at the time. It's 2:45 am. No wonder I feel like I'm about to pass out. I am physically and emotionally exhausted. Tonight was differently not what I expected. 

I'm so sorry if it was short.  I was busy today.  And i like to update every day. I promise the next chapter will be longer.!

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