Chapter 22

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Tonight's the party and I'm going to spend the night at Gabbi's. There is no way my parents would let me go if I asked. So I guess I have to lie. And make sure they never find out.

"DING " I hear the front door ring.

"Vivi Gabbi is here." My mom yells from downstairs

I grab my bag and walk downstairs.

"Hey you ready. " Gabbi says

"Yup. Bye mom and dad I'll text you later." I say

"Okay be careful. It was nice to meet you Gabbi." My mom says

"It was nice meeting you to." Gabbi says and we walk out the door.

"Dang girl we need to have a party at your house next time. Your house is huge." Gabbi says while getting in her car.

"I don't think so." I say and laugh.

"So are you excited? " She ask

" To be honest I've never really been to a party before. So I'm nervous and excited."

"What you've never been to a party before? Don't worry it will be turnt af. Ronnie throws the best parties in the bay."

"Can't wait."

We arrive at Gabbi's house it's small but extremely well decorated.

"Hey Mom I'm back this is Vivi." She says while her mom walks up and gives me a hug.

"It's nice to meet you sweetie. I'm Kym."

"It's so nice to meet you too." I say and hug her back.

"My room is over here let's go get ready we only have 2 hours till we need to get to Ronnies." Gabbi says showing me the way to her room.

Gabbi has a ton of Marilyn and Elvis posters on her wall. And a crap load of Mac makeup on her dresser.

"Gabbi will you do my makeup for the party? " I ask

"Are you sure?  I'm not good."

"You're right you are not good. You're amazing."

"Thank you. I'm really passionate for makeup. Hopefully one day i will be a famous makeup artist." Gabbi says

" More than likely you will be. You are really talented. So are you going to do my makeup or nah?"

"Sure. What are going to wear? " She ask

"A white sleeveless crop shirt.  With a black leather high waisted skirt. And white Vans."

"Alright I know what I am going to do."

Gabbi is finally done with my makeup. I love it. She did a black smokey eyeshadow with wing shape eyeliner and red lipstick.

"Thank you so much. I love it." I say and hug her.

"No problem.  Can i take a picture so I can post it on Instagram? She ask

"Yeah ofcouse." I say. She takes a couple pictures of my makeup from different angles.

While Gabbi gets her makeup done. I straighten my hair then apply a little bit of loose curls on the bottom. I go into her restroom and change into my outfit.

"Dang you look hot." Gabbi says and smiles at me.

"You look hot yourself."

"Gracias. " She says in an white accent.

" You ready? We are already late." Gabbi ask.

"Yup I'm ready. "

We say bye to her mom then hop in her car and we are on our way to Ronnies house. 10 minutes later we arrive at a huge two story house. Gabbi rings the doorbell and seconds later Ronnie opens the door and greets Gabbi with a kiss.

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